100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1629 Angels and Demons (29)


Yu Chu stood up straight and reached out to him, "Come here."

The little devil pursed his lips slightly, his thin lips showed cute little fangs, his voice was tender and evil, vaguely provocative, "I... I don't regret it, I just don't want you to be bullied when I leave. You are mine. Master, if you are bullied, I will be ashamed."

While he said in a low voice, he put down the dark red eggshell and walked towards her obediently.

Yu Chu: "..."

I'm sorry she couldn't help it.


What kind of arrogant baby is this!

She rubbed her brows and watched the little devil walk all the way to her. Although he said that he didn't regret it, those narrow, long, twinkling eyes became brighter as he got closer, but it was only with the support of his awkward personality that he stood there reserved not far away and didn't rush over.

Yu Chu looked into his eyes, and couldn't help but hooked her aunt's lips with a smile, "Okay, I see - you don't care about me at all, you just don't want to be ashamed."

The devil was silent.

He stood silently not far away.

She admitted this, and hearing her say that she didn't care about her made little Izel feel sad too.

He patted the bat wing, lowered his head and shook his cold palm, and self-loathing surfaced again.

I really hate myself.

Sure enough, such a demon - no body temperature to warm people, no character to take care of people, just like the most hated existence in this world, no one should like it.

He doesn't care what other people like.

However, being lost by her, she really...

He was quiet for a long time, then suddenly lowered his eyelashes, deeply saddened, swallowing the whole person like a black hole.

The night wind blew through the treetops, rustling. In the depths of the pitch-dark forest, it was completely silent.

The icy palm was suddenly held, and the girl pulled him towards her, pinching his tender little face.

"But, I care about you, that's all, so stay here and don't run around."

The princess' voice was very gentle.

Izel suddenly froze.

He raised his head and met a pair of smiling eyes, Yu Chu comforted: "I don't like Samuel and don't like you, you are one person, and they are equally important to me, I like the whole of you, not just one of them. Sideways, do you understand what I mean?"

The little devil's red lips parted slightly, but he looked at her without speaking, with a quiet expression.

The shadow of the girl reflected in his eyes.

The wind was rustling.

- This must be the most beautiful words in the world.

After being silent for two seconds, he suddenly slammed towards the girl, his little hands wrapped around the girl's neck, his lips were unceremoniously biting up, his little fangs gnawed at her face, and then he kissed her very sticky. .

Yu Chu hugged his small body and was bitten off guard, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "What are you doing?"

The bear child hugged her and rubbed against her cheek, sticky like a piece of brown sugar, but arrogantly said: "Okay, I know, since I'm so important to you, don't worry, I won't If you find another master, I will try to protect you all the time."

Yu Chu: "..."

Hello, I just comforted me, and is it really okay to change from a wronged little cutie to a willful big devil again?

Listening to this high-spirited tone, it was as if someone had pressed a switch to restore his mood.

She glanced at the little guy helplessly.

When he said that, he seemed to be reluctant... But the pair of gorgeous and evil bat wings behind him had spread out slightly happily, and fanned lightly behind him, and the lines became brighter.

Looking into her eyes, there is pure joy.

Yu Chu smiled, hugged him, and teased slowly: "But you don't like me like Samuel, I think it's unfair to him if you're as good as you."

Izel was stunned.

He held the girl in his little hands, his beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and then he frowned, and his voice was tender and vicious: "No! It must be the same!"

He puffed out his white and tender cheeks, and in his long and narrow eyes, his eyes were clearly dangerous, but inexplicably full of cuteness. After a pause, he turned his face away.

"Humph! Even if I like you, it's not enough."

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