100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1631 Angels and Demons (31)


However, since he and the demon are the same person, there should be some similarities in character.

Moreover, it is precisely because he is good and doesn't say anything that he needs to pay special attention to his mood.

It's not easy being a competent Mama.

Yu Chu sighed slightly, and the next second he saw the snow-white egg shake, a pattern was lightly cracked from the eggshell, and the snow-white little hand lifted the eggshell.

The little angel who came out of the shell first showed a pair of ice blue eyes, and then spread out his wings and climbed out.

"I'm up late." He said softly.

After yesterday's battle of wits and courage with the little devil, Yu Chu was moved by seeing the angel now.

She hugged the little angel and rubbed it, with a loving look on her face, "Ah, it's alright, let Mama hug him."

Samuel froze for a moment, raised his face to look at her ignorantly, and asked softly, "Mama?"

Clear eyes, clean and beautiful.

Yu Chu was at a loss for words, thought for a while, and looked at the little angel solemnly, "It's my nickname."

Although the angel is well-behaved, he is not stupid. He glanced at the girl with icy blue eyes, and when he saw her smiling expression, he felt that it was a lie.

Although she didn't understand why she lied, the little angel did not directly call Mama as she wished, but instead patted her wings and skipped the topic, "Are we still going on our way today? I can leave the eggshell now."

"Can you leave?" Yu Chu was stunned, glanced at Eggshell, and felt a little pity.

Because of the shape of the egg... it's really cute.

And also peace of mind.

If you can leave the eggshell, doesn't it mean that tonight, when the little devil came out of the shell - the angel was in the form of a human?

Oops, skull pain.

"Then now, at night, will you be awake or asleep?" Yu Chu asked tentatively.

"It's okay." The angel's tender voice was soft and waxy, "I can already control it."


It seems that they will be serious in the future, and the old mother will take the two children... I hope the future will be peaceful.

After washing up and eating dry food, Yu Chu suddenly remembered something: "What's going on with your wings?"

She looked at little Samuel inquiringly.

The angel was stunned, lowered his head for a while, but said the same thing: "You can ask Iger."

Yu Chu is even more strange, "He asked me to ask you. Is this question so difficult to answer?"

The little angel's white cheeks turned crimson. After thinking about it, he shook his head and whispered, "No, it's just...wings are part of our body, and they don't need clothes, so it's like bare skin."

His little face became even redder, and shyly shrank his white wings, "It's nothing, but if you touch it... it will feel a little..."


Yu Chu understood a little.

Like bare skin, which means exposed arms? It's okay to just show it, but being touched by someone else...it seems a little strange.

The angel's blue eyes looked at her.

"So that's the case." The girl reached out and rubbed his silver, "Then I won't touch it in the future."

Samuel blinked, but pulled her hand down, held it in two small hands, shook his head softly and said, "It's okay, I like you to touch my wings."

That kind of touch, like an electric current running through the bottom of my heart.

Iger was right, they were all just born now, and the wings really haven't grown.

But it's not impossible to touch.

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