100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1633 Angels and Demons (33)


The angel has not returned yet.

Yu Chu heard the movement of the demon beside him, so he looked back at him, just in time to see the eggshell cracked from the middle. Izer lifted the eggshell on top of his head, tilted his head and looked at her, his eyes sank slightly.

"You forgot what I said?" His long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was a little heavy.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then remembered what he said, hug before waking up, and think about it after waking up.

She apologized: "I forgot."

I thought I apologized, and this matter is over. I didn't expect the little guy to snort coldly, but he raised his hand and buckled the eggshell again, "Restart."

Yu Chu suffocated: "..."

Is it really a devil to be so childish? !

The dark red egg rolled over and rubbed her calf impatiently. Yu Chu couldn't help laughing and crying, so he had to pick it up and put it in his arms: "Okay."

The eggshell cracked open again.

The fair-skinned little hand lifted the eggshell, revealing the demon's long and narrow eyes, and the cute little tiger teeth showed on the lips.

After a pause, he suddenly frowned again.

Yu Chu knew what he was going to say, and immediately rushed ahead of him and said, "Little Izel, I really miss you."

The devil is finally satisfied.

Not far away, the snow-white little angel stood quietly in the same place. The girl's gentle words drifted into his ears with the wind. He gently flapped his wings and looked at the dry branches in his hand, silent. .

Picking up the branches and rubbing the palms of his fair hands dirty, he watched silently for a while, wiped it, a gentle smile appeared on his delicate little face again, and he flapped his wings and flew back.

It's the same person anyway.

Even if she didn't say that about herself...

However, don't care.

He is an angel, and he needs to be obedient and sensible.

Samuel flapped his wings, and after landing, he folded his white wings and placed the dry branch gently on the ground.

His ice blue pupils looked at the princess and the demon.

In the girl's arms, the little devil also narrowed his eyes, showing a slightly unhappy mood.

Splits or something, that sucks.

There is only one person, but it is necessary to separate out the other self... to form this strange situation.

He hugged the girl subconsciously, wrapped his small hands around her neck, and said in a low voice, "Say it again."

Yu Chu wondered, "What else do you need to say?"

She glanced at the angel. Little Samuel stood by the fire and smiled softly at her.

The person in his arms suddenly raised his hand, his fair hand turned her face back, his long narrow pupils stared straight at her, and the demon's sultry voice, for the first time, murmured coquettishly, and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it. Just once."

This sound really melted my heart.

Yu Chu was helpless: "I miss you, Izel."

The little devil rolled his eyes, hugged her and held her, and Batwing patted her happily.

The snow-white figure by the fire lowered his head.

The angel was silent, stared down at the tip of his feather for a few seconds, then turned his face, picked up a branch with his little hand, and quietly helped to fiddle with the fire.

The icy blue eyes were cold and waveless.

The wings were lowered down sadly.

Yu Chu looked at Samuel again, frowned slightly, and was just about to ask him to come over, but the little devil in his arms also raised his body, and the bat wings fanned lightly, blowing her air, "Summer is very annoying, very annoying. Are you hot?"

Yu Chu looked down at him in surprise.

Will the bear child be caring too?

...It won't be to compete with good children for favor.

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