100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1636 Angels and Demons (36)


So when you get along with little devils, you will always be childish... The awkward personality is really funny.

The other party really was speechless, Bat Wing patted behind him, turned his face away angrily and remained silent.

Yu Chu asked, "Izel, are you saying in your heart that you have no plans to find another master?"


He immediately took a step back and pushed her hand away with a blushing face, "What did you say, no!"

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing.

So how could he not tease him! The arrogant baby is too cute.

The angel kept holding her arm and tilted his head to watch her tease the little devil. He thought silently for a while, and suddenly said, "But, you also teased me."

Yu Chu suffocated: "Uh..."

God, is this taking turns to settle accounts?

She's not funny to the little angel at all... it's just a strategy for the witch!

Izel turned his face, heard this sentence, glanced back, hugged the girl's other arm dawdlingly, opened dark red eyes, and raised his head curiously.

Yu Chu explained: "No, I didn't tease you."

The angel was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes suddenly, the little hand holding her was slightly stiff, and he stared at her helplessly.

Yu Chu rubbed his head, "That's to lie to that witch, not to joke with you on purpose."

Angel blinked.

The slightly open white wings were retracted with a little peace of mind. Little Samuel relaxed a little and asked in a low voice, "After that..."

"Not in the future." Yu Chu said quickly.

So the snow-white one was satisfied, and continued to hold her arm quietly, and the years leaned against her quietly.

Seeing that they were both calm, Yu Chu quickly hit the railway while it was hot: "I'll go pick up some branches nearby, you two are waiting for me here, don't run around."

Hope they get along well.

The little angel fanned her wings, let go of her hand, raised her head and said, "Shall I go with you?"

The demon also patted his beautiful bat wings and whispered, "I can barely help you."

Yu Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his hands to let them stay, "Just wait for me to come back."

She turned and walked deep into the forest.

The girl's figure disappeared, and the two who stayed in place were relatively silent, and neither of them spoke first.

The demon held Bai Nen's chin and looked at the burning flames. The bat wing moved slightly, looked forward, and provocatively said: "She just kissed me one more time."

The angel glanced at him.

"Tsk," the demon kicked the branch, and the branch lightly hit the fire, making a crackling spark, the red flame reflected in his dark red eyes, the demon showed small white tiger teeth, and sneered: "Pretend to be so good. , I don't believe you don't mind at all."

The little angel still put his hands on his knees, his wings were motionless, and he silently stared at the fire.

The devil sneered.

After a few seconds of silence, the angel's soft and waxy voice sounded, "Mama won't let me quarrel with you."

Yizhe was stunned for a moment, tilted his head, and his long and narrow red eyes were puzzled. He frowned and asked, "Mama?"

The angel turned his head and looked at him.

Although Samuel knew that the princess was lying, it was not a name at all, but he shook it with his little hand and said quietly, "You don't know this? It's a nickname."

The little devil froze for a moment, then immediately narrowed his eyes and sneered: "What's there to be proud of."

The angel was silent for a while, and lowered the ice-silver eyelashes.

"I'll be pleased."


ps (not counting): Huizi was in phase with Liang, and Zhuangzi went to see him. It is said that Huizi said, "Zhuangzi is here and wants to replace him." Then Huizi was afraid and searched the country for three days and three nights. Zhuangzi went to see him, and said, "There is a bird in the south, its name is the young bird, do you know it? The young bird is in the South China Sea, but it flies in the North Sea. It is not the phoenix tree that does not stop there, and it does not eat if it is practiced, and it does not drink if it is not a Liquan. When you get a rotten rat, the young bird will pass it, look up at it and say: 'Scare!' Is this child trying to scare me evil with his son's state of Liang?"

Zhuangzi is really an interesting person hahaha. I want to ask if you have finished your homework (‵▽′)/

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