100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1639 Angels and Demons (39)


The young golden princess has a patron saint on both sides, the angel's wings and the devil's bat wings complement each other, forming a unique and beautiful scenery.

The king and queen, including the guards in front of the hall, were all dumbfounded. After a while, the king recovered his voice and asked hard, "Lilia? Why did you bring back two... patron saints?"

The queen looked at her in astonishment.

Yu Chu sighed, "Let's go to the palace, and I'll explain it to you slowly."

She walked in with her two children.

Everyone moved out of the way involuntarily.

The Patronus is undoubtedly the most supreme being in the kingdom, but Her Royal Highness has two...

Everyone was full of shock and awe, looking at the two little figures, holy angels, bewitched by demons, but at this time they were all well-behaved.

It's simply...


After entering the palace, Yu Chu briefly talked about the experience in the forest. The king and queen were still very shocked, but they finally recovered a little and called someone to prepare a room and servants for the two little guardian angels.

The people in the palace were busy in a hurry.

Yu Chu followed his maid and left, preparing to change into the princess' costume. The two children waited in the hall. After everyone dispersed, Izel walked over to Samuel and glanced at him: "Hello... ...I just heard the queen say that Mama has a fiancé."

The angel was stunned.

He was far away from the king and queen just now, but Iger sat there and could naturally hear some words.

Before Samuel could speak, the demon turned his face in annoyance, stared at the delicate vase in the corner, and said in a low voice, "Do you know what fiance means? It's just being together every day, kissing and hugging."

He said, the dark red in his pupils gradually deepened.

Immediately after hearing this, Izel has been suppressing his temper. He is the patron saint, and if he loses his temper, the heir will lose face. Although Izel has always been willful, he is still very measured.

It's best to do it privately, of course!

That ghost fiancé... With him around, I promise that the other party won't see the princess's head.

The angel was silent.

The little devil raised his delicate eyebrows, "I know you are also very angry. How about it, do you do anything?"

Samuel finally glanced at him, and his soft and waxy voice was cold: "No, you can't kill people."

The demon raised the corners of Yin Hong's lips with great interest, and sneered: "Tsk, it's like you're not angry, don't you want to kill him like me now?"

The angel still shook his head: "You can't kill people."

Izel frowned impatiently, his red and thin lips pursed into a tight straight line, he was silent for a while, "I know I can't kill, that's a knight. But you can always scare him... How about scaring him away? ?"

He tilted his head, "Don't say you don't even want this. You're not angry at all?"

Samuel was silent for a while, then whispered, "Go find him tonight. Does he live in the palace?"

"Well, I heard that I came here specially to see the princess." The little devil narrowed his eyes unhappily, the corners of his lips curled up in a nasty arc, revealing cute little white fangs, "Hmph, I want him to be invisible. ."

The angel was silent for a while.

"And me," he added.

After the two children came to an agreement, the palace door just opened, and Princess Kim came out.

The long skirt is dragging on the ground.

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