100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1645 Angels and Demons (45)


After Yu Chu woke up, he felt as if something was wrong. The soft touch of the feathers swept across his cheeks, and the huge wings seemed to cover him.

How big is Samuel's wings?

She opened her eyes and was stunned.

Huge feathers covered her body like a thin quilt. The feathers were shiny and holy in the morning light, their color was as white as ice-covered dust and snow, and the tail shimmered.

After she was sluggish for a moment, she slowly turned her head slowly and looked at the sleeping angel beside her.

The young man's slender and fair fingers hugged her neck, Bingyin's eyelashes were drooping, and a pale shadow was swept under the eyelids, a holy and pure face, with an indescribable sense of delicacy, and the lips were as red as roses.

He was wearing snow-white pajamas. The clothes of these two people were made of magic, so they suddenly became adults, and the clothes were still well covered. At this time, the wide pajamas were loose, exposing their slender necks and white collarbones, white and pure as cold jade.

Under Yinxia, ​​the boy's face was as beautiful as an angel, and the huge wings behind him covered the two of them, like an embrace, and the snow-white fingertips clasped one of her hands.

Being hugged by such a beautiful young man early in the morning, Yu Chu's brain crashed for a few seconds, and then he struggled to make up his mind and turned to look at the other one.

What caught my eye was another boy.

His black shatters are slightly messy, and below him are a pair of delicate eyebrows and long, curly eyelashes. Under the high and straight bridge of the nose, the thin lips are red and sexy, and a tip of snow white is faintly exposed under the lips. Those are the little fangs that belong to the devil, and there is cuteness in the evil.

The bat wings lazily tucked behind the boy, the lines are gorgeous and grand, with the bewitching atmosphere of an adult.

He also grabbed Yu Chu's hand.

Yu Chu turned his head silently, staring blankly at the chandelier on the top of the bed, with mixed feelings for a moment.

The two sons suddenly grew up feeling like adults.

The days to come seem to be more uneventful.

They didn't get along well when they were kids, and don't know if things will get worse when they grow up...

In the midst of melancholy and daze, the angel beside him suddenly frowned, and then gently opened Bingyin's eyelashes, revealing the clear blue pupils underneath.

He seemed to pause for a while, then raised his eyes to look at his own wings, showing a soft smile: "Morning."

Yu Chu was almost blinded by this smile.

The angel is already beautiful, the ice and snow are clear, and the smile is more healing. The tenderness in the voice has disappeared, and only the very sultry soft whispers are left.

Samuel, as usual, came over after waking up, and the teenager hugged her neck, still rubbing against her neck, and the snow-white wings fanned lightly behind him.

The bright red lips kissed her cheek gently.

...it's fine if he's still a child, and kissing again at this time will always make people blush.

Yu Chu coughed, raised his hand, and was about to say something when there was a slight movement on the other side.

The demon turned over lazily, revealing the fair and beautiful skin of the young man under the loose black pajamas. He raised his hand to cover his eyes, then opened his eyes ignorantly and touched his gorgeous bat wings.


Yin Hong's thin lips were raised, and the small white fangs were against the lips, slightly proud, he turned around, and immediately frowned when he saw the scene over there.

"You woke up before me again."

He glanced at the juvenile version of the angel, then looked at the girl with slightly bright eyes, rushed over to cover her directly, lowered his head and dropped a kiss on the neck.

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