100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1649 Angels and Demons (49)


The band played beautiful dance music.

The beautiful princess Yingying saluted: "Yes."

She looked at her with beautiful eyes casually, and then smiled and reached out to Jason, her hands in white gloves were slender and beautiful: "Hello, handsome gentleman, I wonder if you would mind dancing with me?"

All eyes looked around.

Jason felt that the gazes of the other men almost killed him. He hurriedly stretched out his hand in embarrassment and hurriedly held the princess, "It's an honor."

The princess smiled softly.

She looked beautiful when she smiled, and Jason was stunned again, his heart pounding.

He embraced the princess by the waist.

The waist is really thin, and it is very moving to hold it. Jason feels like he is having a sweet dream.

Yu Chu danced and smiled with perfect etiquette, but at the same time wanted to yawn boredly.

She just found someone at random. Seeing that the young man was the closest, she invited him to dance.

Anyway, it's impossible to choose a fiancé, and it's impossible in this life, that is, if you barely appease the two children and make a living, how dare you choose a husband.

Hurry up and deal with this dance and leave.

——However, the only thing that comforted Yu Chu was that the Patronus had no reason to attend the heir's ball, and the two stayed in the room.

Otherwise...they would all be jealous of each other for hugs. If they saw other people hugging themselves again, wouldn't it be a war of the century.

She frowned slightly with a headache.

However, the truth is not always so good.

The two who were supposed to stay in the room now stopped in mid-air above the palace, their huge and beautiful wings spread out, the black boy raised his slender fingers, rubbed his thin lips slightly, and squinted his red eyes showing dissatisfaction.

With a slap of the gorgeous bat wing behind him, he couldn't help feeling unhappy and fell slightly.

The snow-white silver boy behind him glanced at him.

"What are you doing?" Samuel asked.

"That man is holding her!" The devil's voice was low and sweet, but his teeth were gritted.

Izer looked back at the angel, raised his delicate eyebrows slightly, and his long and narrow red eyes were gloomy, "Do you want to say that you don't mind? She is held by someone else?"

"That's just dancing." The angel said quietly, his white wings fanning slightly, "Do you mind?"

The black and beautiful boy was startled, turned his face, stared at the ball below with red eyes, and stared at the ball for a while unhappily, he muttered in a low voice: "I don't... I think she is too stupid. That person is obviously magical. Traces, maybe it's to deceive her."

Samuel was silent, his icy blue pupils looked at the man, he slowly lowered his eyelashes, and there was sad loss in his tone: "We are just patron saints."

Between the wings, the silver boy's voice is low and envious: "We can only guard, but we are not qualified to be her husband like those people."

The teenager next to him gritted his teeth slightly, and his mood was gloomy for a moment, he suddenly blinked his curled eyelashes, and touched his chin with his long fingers: "But, guarding is right, those people are very unreliable husbands, in order to protect her well , we should drive those people away."

He tilted his head slightly, thought for a few seconds, then nodded with satisfaction, and fanned the gorgeous bat wing lazily, "Well. That's it."

The angel was silent and did not object.

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