100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1654 Angels and Demons (54)


Yu Chu wiped his lips and glared at him, "You still say you don't take advantage? What are you doing?"

The teenager still stared at her, licking his snow-white little tiger teeth, "Is this taking advantage?"

He paused.

If you change it to the past, you may say, what is there to take advantage of this cheap, and it will not be like this in the future...

but now……

The devil pursed his thin red lips, twisted his fair and delicate face, his tone was a little low, and he rarely admitted: "Then I will take advantage. I like to take advantage."


Yu Chu was simply powerless to argue.

She glanced at the demon, and saw that the boy's fair face was slightly red, and the bat wings were rarely hanging quietly behind him, motionless, as if he was shy.

Surprised, she raised her hand and poked the other person's face.

The slender boy stood up all of a sudden, staring at her with dark red and bewitching eyes, "What are you poking at me?"

Aojiao big baby is rarely embarrassed, she stood obediently with her bat wings closed, her blushing face and her eyes rounded.

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing, "It's fun to poke you."

The black boy stared at her in disbelief, before frowning for a while: "It's not fun, don't poke."

The princess rolled her eyes, "Then don't kiss me either."


This sentence obviously succeeded in suppressing the other party, and the demon fanned the gorgeous bat wings and stared at her for a while.

In the end, the black boy leaned over and put his fair face close to him, "I'll poke it for you."

The tone was impatient and helpless.

Yu Chu pushed the beautiful boy's face over, "Get ready to sleep, Samuel should be back soon."

The demon snorted in disapproval.

He lay down on the bed again, rolled himself under the quilt, rolled himself from one end of the bed to the other, and finally licked his thin red lips and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

Ahh, I can still kiss there.

Ahh I like it!

Yu Chu stood up and watched the bear child roll from one end of the bed to the other, and finally revealed a delicate face from the white quilt, looking at himself happily.

She also showed her cute little fangs.

Her eyes softened.

Just at this moment, a slender and snow-white figure appeared outside the window, the angel gathered his wings, and the young man jumped in lightly, holding the window lattice, and his icy blue eyes looked over.

When he met the girl's eyes, he turned his head a little embarrassedly, and his white cheeks were slightly flushed.

The devil boy was in a good mood, curled up in the quilt motionless, and squinted his eyes contentedly.

Yu Chu looked at this and then at that.

Ugh. Hug left and right is really a winner in life.

Not without worries though...

What a sweet sadness.

Climbing into bed every night has become a big problem since the two cubs turned into adult forms.

Both wings have grown up. Although their clothes are made of magic, there is no need to worry about the wings, but there are many disputes when sleeping together. For example, both want to hug her with their wings...

Of course, the end result is that no one hugs.

The biggest problem is still psychological. When these two were young, they were barely like a mama with two children, but when they became adults, something was wrong.

Yu Chu's face was numb to this.

Fortunately, the two were still very good when they fell asleep.

After spending the night in An Ran, the early morning sunlight came in, the girl opened her eyes slightly, and she picked up something when her fingers touched something.

- Crystal Tail Ring.

How does it look so familiar...

The princess stared blankly at it for a few seconds, sighed, turned and pinched the faces of the two teenagers.

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