100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1656 Angels and Demons (56)


The previous Princess Lilia didn't have this trouble.

But now that she is an adult and has her own patron saint, she must go to the underground world to condolence to the dead in person on the Day of the Dead.

Yu Chu was too lazy to think about which fairy tale this was, she nodded, "Am I alone?"

"Oh, what? Of course not." The queen gave her a surprised look. "My daughter is so weak, how can she go to the realm of the dead alone. You should take two patron saints with you, that's the only way to be safe."

Yu Chu expressed doubts about whether he was soft or not. But since the queen felt so...she didn't say much: "Okay, I see."

The two patron saints had very different reactions after hearing that they would accompany the heir to celebrate the Day of the Dead.

Izel showed his fangs, "I've heard about the underground world for a long time, but unfortunately I didn't have a chance to see it."

Samuel didn't speak, just took the girl's hand lightly, and then said, "I will protect you."

The devil felt that his lines had been robbed, and immediately raised his delicate eyebrows, "Hmph, I will protect her."

Yu Chu had long been accustomed to this kind of argument.

She asked casually, "When will the two of you merge into one god?"

Hearing this, the two teenagers turned their heads and looked over.

The demon raised his eyebrows, a little curious, and raised his thin lips at her, "Why do you want us to merge?"

There was also a hint of doubt in the angel's eyes.

Yu Chu glanced at these two and couldn't help revealing the rogue attributes that he had been suppressing. He smiled at them, showing his little white teeth, "You can do something fun."

It's a pity that the rogue didn't succeed this time.

Because after her voice fell, the black boy was stunned for a moment, his narrow and bewitching red eyes narrowed, and he muttered, "What's so fun? Can't we play now?"

Samuel's mood has always been calm, but at this time he is also a little curious, and whispered: "Yes."

Yu Chu choked.

--what happened? ! Don't these two understand flirting? ! This is pretending!

She confirmed, "You don't understand?"

Both teenagers shook their heads.

Yu Chu: "...Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Are they so pure? The previous kiss, she thought the two just understood the meaning - so it was also an expression of intimacy, not love?

She actually kissed such a pure person... or two. A burst of guilt rose in Yu Chu's heart.

She coughed.


Soon it was the Day of the Dead. The entrance to the world of the dead turned out to be in a hidden lake in the garden. Yu Chu raised his skirt and jumped down suspiciously. After the water overflowed his head, his toes touched the solid ground, and there was a bustling voice.

She opened her eyes.

In front of you is not the bottom of the water, but the bustling night market, where people come and go, and there is a lot of traffic.

However, everyone was wrapped in black cloaks and could not see their faces. Only the pale color in the black robes could be seen vaguely, which seemed to be white bones glowing with cold light.

And he was standing in a small alley.

There were light footsteps behind her, and when she looked back, she saw two slender young figures, also wearing black robes, which were tightly covered.

The wings were taken back, so as not to reveal their identity in the undead world and cause unnecessary trouble.

Condolences do not need to reveal their identity, they only need to put the sacred grass collected from the sacred mountain into the altar of the undead world. It used to be the king who did it.

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