100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1662 Angels and Demons (62)


Even the magic pen doesn't work anymore.

The wings of angels and demons could not fly, and the entire snow-capped mountain seemed to be sealed in a barrier.

Therefore, even the undead will not easily climb over this snow-capped mountain, and if they are not careful, they will throw all their bones here. What's more, there are Snow Maidens on the mountain.

The Snow Maidens are not undead, but are supported by the breath of the undead. They are barely alive, but they stay in the underground world, which is similar to the dead.

Yu Chu was really worried.

Because the snow girl likes to seduce beautiful things, but when they stay underground, all they see are the dead souls of bones - this time, if they see two beautiful young people, they should not let them go easily.

The two were not afraid of the cold. The angel's Bingyin's length almost merged with the ice and snow, while the demon was dressed in black, but was extra slender and beautiful in the ice and snow. He narrowed his red eyes and looked at the tightly wrapped girl.

"Are you cold? Would you like me to change my wings to hug you?" he asked, showing his little tiger teeth.

Yu Chu gave him a look: "No need."

The silver teenager next to her stretched out his hand to gently hold her, and said softly, "I'll help you go."

The devil snorted, this time he didn't rob the welfare, and walked to the front with his long legs alone, with a low and sultry voice, lazily said: "I'll find the way."

Yu Chu didn't have time to say anything, and was closely guarded by the two of them. She opened her lips, and finally smiled helplessly, holding the little angel obediently.

It was quiet in the snow-capped mountains.

However, in the quieter the environment, the more shocking the crisis came.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly trembled slightly.

The black boy frowned slightly, his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and turned around subconsciously, ready to grab the girl behind him and hold her firmly in his arms.

But before he could get to the back, the rolling snow slid down the mountain aggressively, Yu Chu grabbed Samuel, and the two of them watched the snow and ice rush down, covering the black and slender boy.

Yu Chu wanted to call the other party's name, but in the avalanche, the louder she spoke, the more avalanche it would cause. She frowned and held Samuel closer.

The two were also quickly buried in the snow.


Long after the avalanche, the snow-capped mountains regained their usual silence.

After a long time, a slender figure of a woman stopped not far away and looked at the slender figure on the ground in amazement. The boy was dressed in black, and his fair cheeks were lined with ice and snow, making him more delicate and beautiful. Even his fingers were like works of art, and his eyelashes were curled and thick.

so beautiful.

Snow Maiden walked over slowly, lowered her body in front of the boy, the light blue long drooping, she looked at this person obsessively, from the curled eyelashes, to the high nose bridge, and the thin red lips.

His black pieces were slightly curled, and the small white fangs were exposed on his lips, which looked harmless and cute.

Xue Nu looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but bow her head slightly, and kissed the teen's slender lips.

On the other side, the silver angel helped the princess to get up, and the two looked at the vast ice and snow together.

The snow that the avalanche slid down drove everyone far away, and it might not be easy to find the little devil now.

Samuel glanced at her and comforted softly: "Don't worry too much, he will not be in danger."

After all, it is half the soul of the gods. If you can encounter danger like this, it is too small to look down on the devil.

Yu Chu nodded and looked into the mountains.

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