100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1667 Angels and Demons (67)


The two looked at the girl silently.

They are not ready yet, they are about to merge, so that they can become a father? The black-clothed boy hugged his knees, feeling some vicissitudes in his heart - he himself said that he would never want children, but he did such a thing in a daze...

It's so inappropriate.

However, the boy hesitated again, recalling the taste of the bat wing being gently stroked. He held his chin and thought hesitantly, this kind of thing is hard to give up...

And the little angel thought the same as him.

Samuel felt more guilty in his heart, and silently hugged his knees. He is different from Iger. When Iger did it, he didn't know that this thing would have children.

He guessed vaguely.

But let her continue...

The little angel closed his wings silently, lowered his eyelashes a little dejectedly, and felt that he was not good.

He lowered his head and stared at his feathers, lightly touched with his white fingertips, and his eyes were a little tangled.

But... he likes it.

Both thought silently until the girl came back to get them up, ready to continue on their way.

The two stood up obediently.

Yu Chu followed Xue Nu a few steps, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help but look back.

She understood what was wrong.

Normally, these two would have to pounce, but today, the two teenagers quietly followed behind, looking a little deep, as if they were thinking about some important life event, and they looked absent-minded.

...who knows what's on his mind.

With the snow girl leading the way, it was much easier to climb over the snow-capped mountains. At noon the next day, a meadow with little snow finally appeared ahead, and there was a clean lake in the distance, reflecting the blue sky.

That is the altar.

Yu Chu released Snow Maiden as agreed, then walked over alone and put the divine grass in his arms into the lake.

The god grass sank.

The altar can ensure the stability of the world on the ground, and the undead will not be able to pass through the ground, disturbing the peace of the human world. Even if the dead person turns into an undead and has unfulfilled wishes, he can no longer go to the ground world to complete it. This is the law of heaven and earth, to die is to die, to live is to live, and there is no communication.

The lake is still crystal clear.

Yu Chu clapped her hands and completed the task, she walked back in a good mood, "Let's go?"

The angels and demons didn't move, but Iger dipped the lake's water with his slender fingertips and turned his head.

Yu Chu saw a trace of reluctance and tenderness in his dark red eyes.

She frowned, "What's wrong..."

The girl turned her head to look at Samuel, and the angel also raised her blushing thin lips, revealing a soft smile.

"We'll take you back." He lowered Bingyin's eyelashes and said softly, "But we need the water from the altar to merge...so we have to stay here."

Yu Chu was startled.

"The fusion can be slow..." She blinked and whispered, wanting to walk towards the two of them, "It's not in a hurry. Let's go together."

But she only took one step, and she felt as if she was pinned to the spot, unable to move her footsteps.

The black boy stood up, raised his slender fingers, and his fingertips drew a dark red halo, which turned into the shape of a mirror frame in front of the girl, with gorgeous and evil lines.

The angel also raised his hand gently, and the icy silver light merged into the frame, forming the mirror surface of the mirror.

Yu Chu looked at the mirror.

Just step into the mirror, and the other end of it leads to the world on the ground.

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