100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1677 Angels and Demons (77) End


【Fanwai·Yu Chu】

In her own information sheet, the column for parents fills in "none", and the girl doesn't feel much.

It's been that way for so many years.

got used to it.

She propped her chin, turned the pen between her fingers, and silently looked at the red plastic playground outside the window.

When the teacher received the information form, she was stunned for a moment when she saw the orphan status she had filled in. The girl did not explain, but smiled quietly at the teacher.

Not really an orphan.

There is still someone who lives together.

It's a pity that it is not an ordinary person, but a god.

After a day of schoolwork, she drove home alone. Because he is still studying in high school, he is not allowed to drive a vehicle under minors, and he still squeezes the bus to go home, feeling a little dizzy after getting off the bus.

She was a little car sick, which made her very uncomfortable, but it was still the same after so many rides, and she had to take it. Taking the bus from school to the villa at home is the fastest, otherwise, you may not be able to catch up in the morning, or you may not be able to cook in the evening.

In fact, Yu Chu also knew that it was inconvenient to mention to that person, it was easy to change houses, but facing him, she didn't want to say many things.

Why, it's not really her guardian.

When I got home, I cooked porridge first, and then silently shut myself in the room to do my homework. She likes to play at her age, but Yu Chu was different from others since she was a child. She knew that it was God who brought her back, so how could she live with God as she wanted? She was afraid that she was not good enough.

But no matter how good it is, even if it has always been the first in learning, how can the Lord God care about trivial matters such as the academic performance of the small plane...

She thought in a mess, finished her homework, kept the cooked porridge warm, and then cooked the vegetables silently.

I didn't notice the soft knock on the door outside.

In fact, you don’t need to pay attention to eating by yourself. Even if you eat instant noodles, you can live, which is convenient. But this is also her habit, because it is not clear which meal he will come back to, so An An prepares each meal carefully.

After putting the food in, the scent made her feel better. She turned back to go to the living room, but in a blink of an eye, she saw the slender figure of the young man leaning against the door indifferently.

She opened her eyes slightly.

The mood also quickly changed from peaceful to panic.

It's not just the child's panic towards the guardian, and it's not just the panic of humans towards the gods. There is also a unique sense of tension and fear for boys who are secretly in love.

There is nothing special about her liking, because it is really hard not to like such a young man.

Also because there is nothing special, Yu Chu feels that it can be controlled, and it will gradually fade away.

They can't be together until death anyway.

She has this self-knowledge.

She was silent and said, "Are you eating?"

Then he pointed at the cooked meal a little bewilderedly.

The young man looked at it with indifferent eyes, gave a light look, and then shook his head casually.

God doesn't need these.

He turned around and returned to the upstairs room, and then the villa was quiet again.

The girl was silent for a long while, then brought out the food by herself, finished it quietly, washed it, and returned to her room.

She wrote another mock paper out of boredom, then took out a small notebook, which recorded what she wanted to do in the future, she added the sentence "Eat the food made by the five-star chef", and then put it away silently.

There is no main god in this book.

Not a single mention.

Not in the past, not now.

Never, there will be no him.

This is her decision.

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