100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1691 Can I come over and kiss you (14)


The girl glared at him and finally turned away, still a little uneasy, and muttered, "I don't think you are afraid to tell the teacher at all."

These words dissipated with the breeze, and the girl's petite and well-behaved back melted into the night outside.

The boy leaned against the wall, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lazily to himself, "Yeah, I'm not afraid to tell the teacher. So why..."

He hooked his lips and smiled, picked up his shoulder bag, walked into the darkness expressionlessly, tsk tsk.

"That's stupid, little bunny."

The next day, Yu Chu took the list and asked the students to fill in the names of the mutual aid groups one by one.

She finally reached the back row with the list.

Fu Yu hasn't come yet.

He didn't come to his early self-study study, and there was no one in the whole morning study. Yu Chu originally wanted to make the list before reading it. But since he didn't come, he had to postpone the get out of class until the morning self-study, because it needs his signature.

But he hasn't come yet.

It seems that Fu Yu didn't come to study early.

This is the norm. The teachers never cared about him, and the classmates guessed that it was related to Fu Yu's family background, but since they had never met his parents, they were just guessing secretly.

This list must be handed in after class early, so Yu Chu thought about it and decided to fill it in by himself.

After she got to the back row, she handed the list to the boys in the back row and let them fill it out by themselves.

Zhou Lin glanced at her.

He also felt that Fu Yu's approach to Zhong Chuchu was probably for the purpose of revenge, not for ambiguity.

After all, from Zhou Lin's point of view, Fu Yu could even refuse Dong Yiyi, so how could he look down on others.

So he pulled Yu Chu carefully, "Little study committee member... Brother Yu didn't bully you, did he?"

The tone seemed to imply concern.

Yu Chu glanced at him, but sneered slightly and raised the corners of his lips: "Bull me, do you want to help me?"

This man said he was concerned, but when Fu Yu came to grab someone, didn't he leave immediately? Since he didn't dare to help her, he wanted to verbally care to please her.

Ruyi abacus is not too good point.

Zhou Lin was stunned and blushed after a while: "No, Brother Yu shouldn't embarrass girls..."

"Didn't you see it when he was embarrassing the schoolgirl?" Yu Chu raised his eyebrows without letting him down the steps, "If you think he won't be embarrassed, why did you ask me if I was bullied."

Zhou Lin was completely speechless when he was so eloquent and sarcastic.

Yu Chu glanced at him, "Fill out the form."

Zhou Lin had no choice but to pick up the pen and fill in the form.

A slender figure appeared at the back door.

The teenager carried a shoulder bag, walked slowly with long legs, his dark eyes glanced at Yu Chu, he looked away coldly, and walked back to his seat slowly.

He put the shoulder bag casually on the table.

Yu Chu stared at Zhou Lin after he finished writing, and was about to turn back and give it to Fu Yu, but he didn't expect that before turning around, the back collar was easily grabbed, and he almost turned around with her.

Yu Chu looked at each other blankly.

Fu Yu held the back collar and easily carried the girl to his desk before glancing at Zhou Lin.

And just now I asked Yu Chu if Zhou Lin was being bullied, but he didn't dare to say anything at this time.

As Yu Chu said, if she was really bullied, Zhou Lin wouldn't dare to offend the school boss.

Yu Chu couldn't help sneering.

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