100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1698 Can I come over and kiss you (21)


And what's so cheap?

Yu Chu glanced at the net while continuing to run the circle. The teenager leaned against the net pole, unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup with his slender fingers, did not drink against his thin lips in a gentlemanly manner, but raised his head and took a sip, frowning slightly.

Yu Chu guessed that he had never drunk old cadre wolfberry tea.

Fu Yu put the cup on, leaned against the ball site lazily for a while, and looked forward lightly.

After Yu Chu ran around, he saw a girl walking towards him, bowing her head and handing him something.

After she ran closer, she saw that it was Dong Yiyi.

She handed Fu Yu a piece of paper.

The boy's fair-skinned long fingers took it indifferently.

Dong Yiyi seemed to want to talk, but the young man took his long legs over her and left lazily.

Dong Yiyi stood on the spot and bit his lip. After a while, he was angry and turned around and left.

Yu Chu finished running, took a sip of tea, and returned to the classroom.

But before he got to his classroom, he heard a commotion upstairs. Yu Chu walked upstairs strangely and saw a group of people booing at the door of Dong Yiyi's class, while Fu Yu stood in front of her, frowning and handing her a piece of paper.

Dong Yiyi blushed and caught it.

Everyone around was booing.

The boy's delicate eyebrows were indifferent and expressionless, he turned around and left, but happened to see Yu Chu approaching.

The little rabbit glanced at him, didn't show any reaction, and went up the stairs alone.

Fu Yu frowned slightly, and was about to step up to keep up, when he heard the students behind him still booing.

He didn't care much just now, but at this time he turned his head slightly and stared at the group of people expressionlessly.

The door was suddenly quiet.

The young man turned around and walked upstairs lazily with his long legs. He glanced at the back door, but he didn't see the soft, white and tender study committee member.

After dinner, it was self-study at night. The teenager stayed patiently in the class until the end of school, and did not see the girl again. She didn't show up for the whole evening study.

After school, the students were preparing to go to the dormitory in twos and threes. Fu Yu lowered his eyes, put the completed paper in his shoulder bag, and carried it coldly and left.

Yu Chu came back ten minutes after school. The lights in the classroom were all off, and it was pitch black.

Fortunately, she was usually responsible for locking the front door, and there was a key, so she turned her head down and turned her pockets.

Suddenly, a clean and clear breath enveloped her from behind. Before Yu Chu could turn around, the man covered her and put her hands on the door panel, trapping her entirely between the door and him.

Yu Chu was pressed against the door panel and was stunned.

"Where did you go?"

The young man behind him had a lazy and low voice.

"Teacher has something to do with me." The girl turned her back to him and turned her face to the side. The fair face was a little puzzled. The ponytail swept across the white collarbone exposed under Fu Yu's neckline. He paused before pinching her braid and turning her around. come over.

The young man's beautiful eyes were dark.

Yu Chu looked down at her watch. It was nearly twenty minutes after school. She raised her head in surprise and asked, "Are you waiting for me? What's the matter?"

When it was over, the young man narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his thin lips with a half-smile: "Guess."

"..." Yu Chu pushed him away, took out the key and opened the door, "If it's okay, go back to your house, what are you waiting for so late? I'm going back to the dormitory soon, not like you are a day student. Students. The dormitory has access control.”

She pushed open the door and went in and turned on the light, then walked to her seat in the front row and sorted out the books.

The boy leaned against the door and looked at her quietly.

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