100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1700 Can I come over and kiss you (23)


Dong Yiyi raised her head blankly, and saw the other party put the pen aside, and then silently rested her arm.

Only then did she relax.

It must not be finished in half an hour, not to mention that the question is so difficult that it is impossible for a scholar to finish it in half an hour.

He may not be writing the title.

She heard about what happened in their class. One of the study members was daring and even dared to ask Fu Yu for his opinion in the study group. Fu Yu didn't embarrass her face to face, but later, he went to arrest the study group of others in person.

Although it was definitely for revenge, Dong Yiyi was still a little uncomfortable when he heard the news.

It's just that she doesn't bother to trouble the girl.

That kind of girl is incomparable to herself, Dong Yiyi still has this confidence, there is no need to be a soldier.

Just watching the young man write a pen and write a question, Dong Yiyi couldn't help pantothenic acid in his heart, for fear that his attitude would change, it was really because of that study committee member.

If that girl can influence him, doesn't it mean that she has a certain place in his heart?

Fortunately, it turned out that she thought too much.

Dong Yiyi was relieved.

The next language test made her even more at ease.

The pen between Fu Yu's fingers twirled round and round, but he didn't give the answer. After a long while, he pushed the paper aside and fell asleep silently on his arm.

After the exam, everyone handed in the exam papers and left the classroom. Fu Yu also put away the pen and paper. With her dark and beautiful pupils, she got up and left the exam room.

Yu Chu helped the teacher to collect the test papers and went out. He happened to meet the teenager and asked with a smile, "How is the question?"

Fu Yu paused: "It's alright..."

Yu Chu knew the result by looking at his expression, and couldn't help laughing, "You can't even write it down, right?"

The young man was silent.

"What do you memorize every day?" Yu Chu was really dumbfounded.

Later, this person came to school on time every day, and also read obediently. However, waking up early and endorsing is really a nightmare for him. Several times he was reading ancient texts, and slowly there was no sound, and he leaned over to fall asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, Yu Chu strangely didn't want to wake him up, but worried about whether he was really sleepy.

So the language is so delayed.

As for other subjects, this person doesn't actually need tutoring at all... He can write solutions that she hadn't even thought of, but he insists on asking her to explain the papers every time.

Fu Yu was guessed by her, but she just raised her eyes lazily, and looked at her with dark and deep eyes, still indifferently silent, and couldn't see his emotions at all.

Yu Chu thought for a while and said, "I'm coming to the library on the weekend, are you free to come with me?"

The young man was startled.

He understood for a moment that this was extracurricular tutoring, but he narrowed his eyes lazily, but raised his thin lips with a faint smile: "The rabbit even chooses the library for dates."

Yu Chu: "...What date! If you don't finish memorizing it in the morning, you can only choose your usual extracurricular time."

Said and glared at him.

The young man turned his eyes and didn't care.

"Then are you free?" the girl asked again.

Fu Yu's thin lips twitched slightly, looking clean and handsome, but the boy's tone was casual: "Yes. Of course there is."

"You won't use it for self-study in the future," Yu Chu said again, "Anyway, you're sleepy in the morning."

Fu Yu's deep eyes were slightly raised, and after a long silence, he sneered, "You don't want to bring breakfast, right?"

He rubbed his wrists, his tone was casual, and he smiled inadvertently: "That can't be done... You can't let it go."

Let him not come? That doesn't work.

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