100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1704 Can I come over and kiss you (27)


"You are a pig." The other party was rude.

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand and tapped her head, "Pigs? Rabbits don't like pigs."

His voice was low, and after saying this, his beautiful pupils stared at the girl without blinking.

"I don't like you either." Yu Chu replied casually, and then stopped, but felt that something was wrong.

Will this sentence hurt anyone?

She looked up at the boy's expression.

Fu Yu's originally smiling lazy eyes narrowed slightly at this time. He glanced at her lightly, and turned his head casually, "It's unfortunate to be liked by you."

Yu Chu couldn't help but punch him again.

Fu Yu rubbed his heart, "It's really heavy."

His voice was loose, but his eyes darkened.

After the two left the restaurant, they took Yu Chu back to the dormitory all the way. The young man seemed a little silent, looking lazily at the street scene next to him, his eyes were as cold as fine snow.

The two parted downstairs. The girl went upstairs with her schoolbag and watched her go upstairs. Only then did Fu Yu stand downstairs and call the housekeeper with her eyes down.

The car came quickly. The boy was carrying a shoulder bag and opened the door to get in the car. The old butler asked casually, "Where have you been today, Master? Have you eaten?"

"Well, I'm going to the library." The slender figure in the back seat leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed his temples.

The old housekeeper: "...!!"

Going to the library is scary enough, but you still have books by heart? Still hot pot? Isn't hot pot on the master's blacklist? Oily and spicy food...

However, the young man in the back seat had his beautiful eyes half-open, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

He held his chin, his pupils were deep and loose, his thin lips were slightly raised, and the arc was pleasant.

However, in an instant, because of the bad memories, the boy's eyes dimmed slightly.

The old butler glanced at each other from the rearview mirror.

He leaned against the back of the chair, his long legs folded at will, and his slender and fair fingers crossed against his abdomen. He looked cold and indifferent. The neon light from the car window reflected on the boy's face, and the beautiful dark pupils were faintly visible. icy.

Why...you seem to be in a bad mood again?

The old housekeeper couldn't help asking: "Is it with a girl?"

"Well." The other party's voice was slightly low.

The old housekeeper was very shocked and couldn't help but glanced at the young man again, and saw that he was looking out the window calmly, with a calm expression. He couldn't help guessing the mood of this young master, why his face became cold after being happy...

After all, he is an old man. Seeing the indifferent expression on the other side, he vaguely guessed something. He glanced in the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "You don't need to worry too much, young master. The little girl is willing to come out with you, and she must have feelings for you. It's not good for you to be eager to force others."

Fu Yu turned his eyes to the side and remained silent. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a long while, he sneered slightly, his dark and beautiful eyes narrowed lazily, indifferently: "I'm just having a meal with her... You think too much."

The tone is light, no emotion.

The old butler raised his eyes in surprise and looked into the rearview mirror.

However, if the young master doesn't like it, how can he promise the girls to come out together? And the place to go is the library, and finally I went to eat hot pot.

The young master seemed to be in a good mood just now.

He smiled kindly and shook his head: "Since this is... well, it's me who talks too much."

The boy didn't speak any more, propped up his white chin, and looked out the window, the neon lights reflected the bottom of his abyss-like eyes.

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