100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1706 Can I come over and kiss you (29)


After eating, Yu Chu remembered the competition, thought about it, and asked him, "Do you want to go out to play?"

Fu Yu looked down lazily at her packing the lunch box. Hearing this, he was stunned. He raised his eyes to stare at her, and said unexpectedly, "Going out to play? Me and you?"

In the dark eyes, the mood is a little light.

However, the girl who didn't understand the style said honestly: "No, I want to participate in a competition. If you can participate together, it will be a bonus for the college entrance examination."

The boy looked at her coldly for a few seconds.

Yu Chu blinked, not knowing where he was wrong, he seemed a little upset.

After a long while, the young man lowered his eyes and his voice was unusually cold, "I'm not interested, I won't go."

As he spoke, he got up and walked towards the stairs.

Yu Chu stayed where he was with a blank expression on his face.

While packing her things, she wondered in her heart, for the sake of the college entrance examination, is there nothing wrong with her?

Fu Yu walked down the stairs alone, with her white fingers lazily supporting the stairs, and on the balcony at the corner, she suddenly heard the conversation of several boys.

"Dong Yiyi can't catch up with Fu Yu."

"It should be, Fu Yu ignored her."

"Hey, have you noticed? Fu Yu and that study committee member seem to be..."

"I want to say something too."

"Haha? Does Fu Yu like this one?"

"Don't say it, Zhong Chuchu is actually quite good-looking, and this kind of good girl is also energetic..."

Then there was a wretched laugh.

The boys were talking unscrupulously, when the door to the balcony was kicked violently, kicked open directly, and smashed on a boy.

Everyone looked over in astonishment, only to see a slender figure, with white fingers clenched, as the sound of the bones sounded crisply, the man's eyes were cold, and the corners of his lips evoked a hellish arc.


A sneer that suppressed sarcasm and fury.

Yu Chu didn't expect that she only stayed on the rooftop for a few minutes, and after she went downstairs, she heard that the school bully had beaten someone again, and this time, the attack was so deep that it was like hitting the opponent to death. .

She was stunned when she heard the rumors.

In fact, Fu Yu hadn't fought for a long time.

He was originally a school bully, but recently, he obediently followed her to study, got up early to endorse books, and went to the library.

Just like the appearance of three good students.

Why suddenly fight?

She thought about it, ran to the office with the paper, knocked on the door, and carefully pushed the door and walked in.

The boy was standing at the table, his eyes lowered, looking a little lazy, with no expression on his face.

Hearing the voice, he turned his head to look at her indifferently, then looked away and continued to be expressionless.

The head teacher was asking him in a persuasive manner, "Student Fu Yu, have they done anything? Why did they take such a heavy hand? Those classmates were seriously injured."

The boy didn't speak.

The head teacher saw Yu Chu coming in and smiled kindly at her, "Any question? Wait a moment."

Yu Chu nodded and looked up at Fu Yu.

The boy didn't look at her, but just stood quietly and lazily at the table, his eyes as dark as an abyss.

Yu Chu didn't know why he suddenly fought, but he walked over and stood beside him.

Fu Yu said calmly, "I won't fight in the future."

The head teacher was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the young man to admit his mistake so quickly. He stared at the other party in doubt and shock, but heard the next sentence with a hint of ruffianness.

"But I want to fall in love early."

He lazily surrounded the good and well-behaved student beside him, his voice shallow.

"With her."

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