100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1710 Can I come over and kiss you (33)


The head teacher just wanted to cry.

She didn't understand, shouldn't all students' puppy love be stopped? Why did the always-behaved good student dare to speak the truth when he came to him, and she couldn't refute it, and the other school tyrant was even more righteous and even stared at her hostilely.

As if beware of her threatening good students.

The head teacher sighed, "You pay attention to the influence in school, and Chu Chu, you must ensure your grades."

Yu Chu was stunned, he didn't expect to pass the test so easily.

Fu Yu had already softened his eyes, and took the girl by the shoulders and led her out, "I see, we will."

While talking about it, he took the girl out without paying attention to the influence at all. The head teacher reminded weakly: "Influence, pay attention to influence..."

It was already time for class and self-study, and there was no one in the corridor outside the door. Yu Chu walked out of the office, and there was still some unreal feeling - are they together?

His fingers were suddenly held by a slender hand. The man lightly intertwined his fingers and glanced down at the intertwined hands, "I will go with you in the competition."

Yu Chu pulled his hand back and glanced at the person slowly, "You haven't chased me yet."

The girl's voice was soft. When Fu Yu heard the words, she was stunned for a moment, with a smile in her deep eyes, "Miss Rabbit, we are all together, do you still care about this?"

The girl's voice was soft and waxy, and she said seriously: "Yes, at the head teacher's place, there is nothing I can do to cooperate with you, but I want to experience the feeling of being chased. You can't omit this step, or you will break up immediately."

As he spoke, he gave him a menacing look.

Fu Yu rubbed his temples, his eyes darkened slightly, and pinched her face, "If you chase after him, it's not a big deal... If you break up, don't mention it."

Yu Chu clapped the other party's slender and beautiful hands away and snorted, "Before you catch up, don't move your hands and feet, study hard, and I won't mention this."

The other party stared at her silently for a few seconds, the young man sighed lightly, and said lazily, "Got it..."

As long as you don't mention breaking up, it's okay to chase after you. This time together is really urgent, and as a boy, I should make up for it and chase each other seriously.

The two returned to the class, Yu Chu walked in through the front door, and Fu Yu lowered his eyes and expressionless, and walked from the back door of the classroom to his seat lightly.

The students didn't think much of it.

Because the study committee was there to ask questions, and the boss went to the office after a fight, maybe they just happened to come back together, and everyone didn't think about other aspects.

It's really these two people, a good student and a good girl, and a arrogant and arrogant school tyrant. No matter how you look at it, they are people who can't fight with each other.

In the second class, the head teacher came to the class.

She glanced at the two subconsciously.

The girl was sitting in the front row, her head lowered, and she was writing a question, looking the same as usual.

The young man in the back row, leaning on the back of the chair, raised his hand to buckle a book on his fair face, lazily and casually.

Only then did she take her eyes away from the two of them, bowed her head and said, "The monthly test results are out."

The whole class went quiet.

Every time the results are announced, no matter what the exam is, students can't help but get nervous.

The head teacher held the report card, "Some students have maintained good grades, some students have declined, and they have to work hard in the future. Don't be discouraged by students who are at the bottom of the ranking. Work hard before the college entrance examination, it is still easy to raise points."

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