100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1714 Can I come over and kiss you (37)


Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then said weakly, "My aunt is here, and my stomach hurts a little."

"Ah? Does it hurt?" The two roommates immediately became concerned, and one of the girls clapped her hands, "Let's go and buy you some brown sugar!"

Yu Chu quickly shook his head, "It's so late..."

"You used to suffer from dysmenorrhea, and I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep without drinking brown sugar." The girl shook her head and smiled warmly, "It's alright, it's right in front of the school, we'll be back in twenty minutes, just talk to the dormitory auntie. If the dormitory aunt has it, I will borrow it from her."

Yu Chu wanted to speak again, but the pain in his abdomen was severe again, and he was instantly unable to speak, and his face became even paler. The two girls quickly got dressed and prepared to go out. "Go to bed and lie down. Pack a bottle of hot water and cover your stomach first. It will hurt even more if you catch a cold."

Yu Chu smiled at them thankfully.

The two girls went out soon.

Yu Chu walked to the bed and sat down. The phone under the pillow suddenly lit up. She lowered her head and picked it up to read.

The school does not allow mobile phones, so they can only be kept in the dormitory and cannot be brought to the classroom.

She opened the message and saw a message from her newly appointed boyfriend: "Have you arrived at the dormitory?"

She replied, "Here it is."

The other party called immediately.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, and put the phone to his ear.

She heard the sound of the car door over there. The other party seemed to have just closed the car door, and the lazy voice had a slight smile, "Rabbit, go to bed early."

"..." Yu Chu was helpless, "I'm about to go to sleep. That's what you said on the phone?"

"No." The other party replied in a low voice, "I haven't seen you for a few minutes. I want to hear your voice."

His voice was low and seductive.

Yu Chu was stunned, but before he could react, Fu Yu asked coldly, "What's wrong with your voice?"


"It doesn't seem to have much strength."

Yu Chu didn't expect the other party to be so keen, so he hummed and said casually, "My stomach hurts a bit."

There was a pause, "What's wrong?"

Yu Chu could hear that the sloppy and meaningless tone he had just said seemed to be cold but serious at this time.

So she quickly explained, "It's nothing, it's that... dysmenorrhea, my roommates bought me brown sugar, and they'll be back soon."

It was quiet over there, and then he snorted carefully, "You rest early and don't read books at night."

Yu Chu rolled his eyes, "Am I a girl who studied hard in your heart? Classmate Fu Xiaoyu."

There was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and the boy's half-smile voice came lazily, "Aren't you?"

Yu Chu: "..."

She thought about it, it seemed that ever since she met, she and Fu Yu had always been inseparable from learning in three words...

Well she's a nerd.

Yu Chu rubbed his forehead, "Hang up, you should go to bed earlier, remember to come to study early tomorrow."

The young man said in a long and sloppy voice, "I see."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Chu nestled into his little bed.

She lay quietly until the lights out of the dormitory sounded, then got up and turned off the lights.

After just a few steps, my stomach hurts violently. Yu Chu remembered that every time the original owner had dysmenorrhea, he had to live like a salted fish for several days, so it was no exaggeration at all.

She curled up on her side, feeling better before closing her eyes and waiting for her two roommates to return.

Silent night.

There was a sudden sound from the balcony, Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, opened the curtain of the bed, and was stunned to see that the slender boy jumped in easily with the railing.

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