100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1716 Can I come over and kiss you (39)


Yu Chu was caught off guard and was thrown on the bed by him. The man's breath was clean, his thin lips were softly covered, and his long fingers supported the back of her head. Yu Chu was nestled in the soft pillow, and there was nowhere to retreat. The other party almost covered her. On the soft bed, lips and tongues are entangled in kisses.

There was still a hint of coolness on his fingertips, and he bit her lips softly. Yu Chu thought that a deep kiss would follow, but the other party only took a light bite, then stepped back and left, staring at her lightly with deep eyes.

"Rest early." He helped her pull up the quilt, then raised his hand slightly, wiped the corners of his lips with his white fingertips, and wiped off the moisture from the corners of his lips coldly and arrogantly.

There was a small voice outside the door, it seemed that the roommates had returned, and there were faint footsteps approaching.

Fu Yu turned to leave, but the girl behind said, "Wait..."

The young man turned his eyes slightly, his eyes cold.

"Take the brown sugar." The girl pointed to the brown sugar on the table and ordered in a low voice.

Showing your roommates can't explain it.

The boy raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at her slowly, then walked back and took the brown sugar.

He went to the balcony, turned around and closed the glass door.

After that, he didn't leave in a hurry, but stood outside the door and stared at her silently, and finally raised the corner of his lips, kissed his fair fingers, and pressed the kiss lightly on the glass, mouthing: "Good night. "

Yu Chu was stunned, seeing him turn around and support the railing, turning over and disappearing along the balcony lightly.

She couldn't help but smile.

The roommates opened the door and came back, and they were busy making brown sugar for her. Yu Chu thanked her and drank it. After a while, she finally felt better and fell asleep.

In the competition exam that followed, in Yu Chu's view, Fu Yu was not unexpectedly elected for the spot, but in the eyes of teachers and classmates, it was another miracle, and it was simply awe-inspiring.

After more than a month of tutoring, it turned a scumbag schoolmaster into a schoolmaster? ! In contrast, many students began to doubt their own learning, why compared with others, they seemed to be on a fake school...

The results of the exam determine the places in the competition.

This competition brought together a lot of students, each school can only go to two people, schools in the same area, and a special bus for the competition.

The competition lasted for a week. The organizers booked hotels for the students, held activities similar to summer camps, and arranged some play items. Because there are several exams this time, the students are under a lot of mental pressure, so the organizers try to let them relax.

Yu Chu was sent by her parents. She told her all the way, and only handed over her luggage to her before the bus. She was worried, for fear that her daughter would lose herself in a foreign land that she didn't know well.

Yu Chu was helpless, and while comforting them, he glanced at the young man beside the bus.

Fu Yu leaned against the car door and stared at her with a half-smile. The boy's tall and delicate appearance quickly attracted the attention of the students in the car.

They are good students from various schools, sitting together from the same school.

Unexpectedly, there are still such handsome boys in this school. And the other party came to participate in the competition, of course, it was a very good student.

It's perfect.

Everyone in the car was paying attention to the young man, but Fu Yu just stared at the girl lazily, and finally raised his eyebrows slightly, with a faint smile on his thin lips, and walked over.

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