100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1718 Can I come over and kiss you (41)


Unexpectedly, when the college entrance examination was approaching, among the top students who came to participate in the competition, there were even couples.

And it was a beautiful boy with a very aggressive appearance, and a quiet and harmless little girl.

The personalities seem to be very different, but they are very close and very loving.

Make people envious.

The bus started slowly, Yu Chu leaned back on the back of the chair and wanted to rest, but felt that the boy was holding his hand, his fingertips along her sleeve, slowly grasping her wrist, and then slowly going up .

She immediately shrank her hands and glared at him amusingly: "Fu Yu...Are you a rogue?"

The boy opened his eyes, glanced at her lazily, and sneered, "What do you have to be a hooligan?"

As the man said, he glanced at her figure meaningfully, and then closed his eyes flatly.

Yu Chu: "..."

She looked down at her chest, it was really flat.

The girl suddenly got angry, pulled her hand back, pushed him away, and hummed in a low voice: "Stay away from me and be a hooligan to others!"

Fu Yu opened his eyes with a half-smile, turned his face to the side with his fair chin supported, and looked at her loosely.

After a few seconds, he softened his voice, took her hand again, was thrown away again, and held her again with a good temper, and apologized softly: "Okay, I'm wrong, okay?" He glanced at the girl With a slender waist, "Well, our rabbit has the best figure. The rabbit is beautiful and has a good figure, so I don't want to be a hooligan..."

There was a sly smile in the voice.

Yu Chu was stunned.

This person doesn't have the pure emotions of the previous planes at all. This kind of words is actually very straightforward. The dull and dark eyes are smiling, and he bends his lips to her, and blinks his long eyelashes slightly, "Don't be angry, eh? ?"

Yu Chu stared at her for a while, really helpless, turned his face, "I'm not angry."

"Not angry, come here and hold hands." The boy raised his eyebrows and reached out to her, his voice soft and authentic.

Yu Chu didn't want to talk to him at first, but he was amused by this refrain of holding hands.

It's really funny that the dignified school bully suddenly uses redundancies when he speaks.

She smiled, and the boy with his chin on his back blinked, and said lazily, "You like me talking like that, eh?"

The girl deliberately said: "I like it, you can talk to me like this in the future."

I thought this person would refuse, but he held his chin and smiled lazily, "Okay, Miss Rabbit. Come to bed with me later."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment and glared at him: "Beast, we are only in the third year of high school, and I am not yet an adult!"

Fu Yu was also slightly startled, and then narrowed his eyes amusingly, "Oh? You're thinking a long way, I mean lying down with me to sleep, what do you think I'm talking about?"


The boy leaned closer to her, "However, if you really want to... I don't have any objections."

In the next second, Yu Chu pushed the beautiful white face away and pushed him away: "Okay, shut up."

The bus finally arrived at the airport, and after more than an hour of flight, arrived at the destination city.

When allocating housing, because the number of participants happened to be even, the organizer gave enough room cards for the students to allocate by themselves.

Yu Chu asked a girl who was with him, and the two happily took a room card and planned to live together.

Yu Chu went back to the room first and waited for the waiter to bring the luggage up.

After the doorbell rang, she went to open the door, but in front of her was a slender boy who raised an eyebrow at her.

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