100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1730 Can I come over and kiss you (53)


She didn't do anything, just stayed in her room, how could it drop so much?

Naturally, she didn't know that the school bully stayed in the room silently, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became, and she became more and more disgusted with her.

And Monelle didn't understand why. She has a system to create opportunities, and her own conditions are also very good, how can she not win an ordinary girl.

And she couldn't think of it at all, who came to her room and did that kind of thing to herself... Who is it?

She sat there for a long time, her face ashen.

After the competition, the students returned to their respective schools, and Yu Chu never saw Monier again.

Monier's system couldn't find out what she did, and Monier probably really thought she was being overpowered, and she was in a trance in the next few days of competition, and her results should not be ideal. Yu Chu thought that if the opponent lost this competition, she also indirectly vented her anger to the original owner.

In her previous life, Moniel occupied the original owner's place, and in this life, she lost her advantage in competition, and it was tit for tat.

As for snatching the fragments of the Lord God...

As long as you want to rob, then come, anyway, not afraid.

After returning to their city, Yu Chu's parents came to pick her up. Seeing that her daughter came back well, they also thanked Fu Yu specially for taking care of her.

The boy nodded politely and smiled.

Zhong's father and Zhong's mother were obviously very satisfied with the boy. On the way home, Zhong's mother asked Yu Chu, "This child is in the same class as you? How are the grades?"

Yu Chu recalled the current grades of his classmates, and said truthfully: "He is a student."

Mother Zhong asked again: "I think this child is really good-looking, so handsome, is he in early love?"

Yu Chu: "...No."

"What a good boy and a good character." Mother Zhong nodded in appreciation.

Yu Chu was speechless: "Mom, you don't like other people, right... You are against my early love."

Mother Zhong glared at her angrily, "Look at you. Mom didn't tell you to talk now, but for such a good boy, you can ask people for their wishes. After the college entrance examination is over, you can fight for it. There are many boyfriends from high school classmates. Well, the relationship is also deep, and people are so good..."

Father Zhong laughed aside, but did not refute.

Yu Chu didn't expect that his parents had such a good impression of Fu Yu... He wanted to sell his daughter directly.

She turned her face helplessly, ignoring them.

After the competition, the learning atmosphere in the class became tense, the countdown was reduced day by day, and after several mock exams, the college entrance examination was gradually approaching.

Only the young couple in the front row still showed their affection every day, and there was no tension at all.

With the academic performance of these two people, it is actually difficult to feel how nervous they are.

Others are naturally envious and jealous.

It's just that the college entrance examination is approaching, and the students don't have time to gossip, and they don't often come around to ask about them, which makes Yu Chu very satisfied.

She and Xiao Tiantian made an appointment to fill in the volunteers, and decided to live off-campus together during college.

The days after that were smooth sailing. The last month before the college entrance examination passed quickly. When the exam came, the atmosphere in the class eased a little.

There were still a few days of vacation before the college entrance examination. The last class was over, and the students went home. Yu Chu left the classroom and pushed his bicycle to go back.

When she passed the alley outside the school, she heard a voice inside and couldn't help but turn her head and glance.

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