100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1732 Can I come over and kiss you (55)


Yu Chu really took someone to meet the parents.

There are only a few days for the college entrance examination, and the end of the exam is a long vacation. Yu Chu told Zhong's father and Zhong's mother that she planned to invite the good-looking and academic classmate to her house for a meal. Zhong's mother was stunned for a while, then she With a wide-eyed smile: "Is that the classmate you were with in that competition?"

"Well." Yu Chu nodded.

Mother Zhong immediately went away happily.

Although Father Zhong was also very satisfied with the other party, he was still a little more wary of people who might become his daughter's boyfriend, and snorted, "Isn't it just good-looking, I'm obsessed with the two of you, that boy looks good. It's too pretty, but it's not a good thing."

Yu Chu listened, and nodded with deep sympathy, "Dad is right, the better you look, the more troublesome it will be."

With so many planes and fragments together, she has a deep understanding of this stunning trouble.

Because it is a fragment of the main god, this person's appearance in the small plane is also high to the level of divine appearance. There have never been many admirers around, and there are naturally a lot of troubles.

Yu Chu is also very good herself, but she is an ordinary human being, and her excellence is within the normal range. It is precisely because of this that she feels that she is really far from God... Every ordinary person likes God, but how can God like an ordinary person?

The love between human beings, no matter how far the gap is, will not have the courage to pursue it.

But chasing the Lord God... chasing after what, it's better to wash and sleep earlier, there is everything in the dream.

Yu Chu sighed slightly. She understood this principle at a very young age, so she did not fight or rob.

Father Zhong's laughter interrupted her thoughts, "It's still our little Chu who is rational, what's the use of being good-looking, dating and making a boyfriend depends on your character."

Yu Chu regained his senses and nodded in agreement with Father Zhong.

But what Father Zhong said, when the young man knocked on the door at night, Zhilan Yushu was slender and tall, standing in front of the door bowed his head and greeted politely, but Father Zhong also had a satisfied smile on his face and led the person in.

There was almost no place for Yu Chu to speak at the dinner table. Mother Zhong asked Fu Yu's life with a smile, and the other party answered politely. Father Zhong occasionally said some current affairs news, and the teenager could also answer with a smile.

So after the meal, both of them were very satisfied with the young man. Yu Chu stood up to clean up the dishes, and Mother Zhong pushed her out, "Go and see Ayu."

"..." Called Ayu so soon...

Yu Chu reluctantly went out and took the school tyrant who was disguised as a school tyrant to the downstairs outside.

"You can really pretend." She glanced at him.

"Pretend?" Fu Yu stretched out his hand to squeeze her face, and said with a smile in his eyes, "This is a survival technique."

"Pfft." The girl couldn't help laughing at this survival skill, "Okay, you're amazing."

She waved at the boy, "Be careful on the road."

Standing under the light of the street lamp, Fu Yu looked down at her and raised her lips, "Hey, didn't you kiss her goodbye?"

Before the girl could react, he took the lead and leaned down, his thin lips touched hers gently, and then he walked away lazily, waving lazily behind him, "Rabbit, see you in summer vacation."

Yu Chu watched him leave, and then went upstairs.

As soon as I entered the door, I was scolded by Mother Zhong, "Such a good opportunity to be alone, you came back so soon?"

Yu Chu was stunned and turned to look at Father Zhong, hoping to get help from Father Zhong.

Unexpectedly, Father Zhong also nodded, "I think this child is good-looking and has a good character."

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