100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1737 Can I come over and kiss you (60)


This requirement completely exposed his idiotic attributes to the Lord God. Even after completing all the tasks, he didn't mention the requirements of immortality and countless money, but he only asked to sleep with him once...

Young and frivolous.

Moreover, the promise of the export will generally become the established f1ag, and then it will never be fulfilled.

She probably won't be able to sleep in her life.

Yu Chu thought, closed his eyes, and was about to take a good night's sleep, but the door of the guest bedroom was opened, and the light from the living room came into the room.

She was stunned and turned to look at the door.

The boy who had just taken a bath had crystal water droplets on the black, the snow-white pajamas lining the fair skin, the purple pupils were quiet and emotionless.

"Sir?" the girl asked in surprise.

Feng Qing glanced at her silently, then raised her hand to turn off the light in the living room, and the surroundings were suddenly dark.

Yu Chu heard the door of the room being closed, followed by the sound of light footsteps. The man walked over with long legs until he reached the edge of the bed, and then climbed onto the bed.

Yu Chu grasped the quilt tightly, inexplicably nervous.

In the next second, the quilt was pulled away, and the slender body of the young man came close, his fingertips touched her arm, gently moved her hand away, and embraced her waist.

"Go to sleep." The cold voice came close to his ear.

Yu Chu was hugged by him, and the droplets of water from the pretty young man's tip were slightly cool and dripped on her arm. The girl's sight gradually adapted to the darkness, and by the moonlight outside the window, she saw the fair skin of the person in front of her, very beautiful.

"You, your head is still dripping." Yu Chu whispered after a few seconds.

"Well." The man's voice was low, and he handed the towel to her hand in the dark, "Help me?"

Yu Chu paused and couldn't refuse, so he had to take the towel and put his hand on the broken boy.

He was very obediently motionless.

Yu Chu wiped while thinking about the problem.

The Lord God suddenly opened his lips and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

The girl was thinking about it at this time, and she replied without thinking, "You don't have any children in the small plane?"

After saying this, she stopped.

Wait a minute.

--Oh my God!

What did she say to the Lord God!

"Cough," Yu Chu wanted to explain, because he was in a hurry and almost choked on himself, "I mean, although in a small plane, if you personally... not right, I don't mean to say this, I actually mean... …”

I can't say it anymore.

How to explain it seems very ambiguous, Yu Chu wants to hold his forehead with a headache, and is also very embarrassed.

Just as she was eager to find a hole to burrow into, her drooping fingertips suddenly touched the boy's earlobe, and the soft eartips of the other party were hot.

Yu Chu was slightly startled.

The embarrassing emotions disappeared in an instant, and she paused in astonishment, thinking - is the Lord God blushing?

Your earlobe is so hot, your face must be red, right?

Just thinking about it in shock, the young man suddenly turned his face slightly, moved his earlobes away, and Yu Chu's fingertips were missing.

She was silent.

As soon as the other party became shy, her embarrassment was not much. After being silent for a while, she was really curious, so she asked softly: "Then, if, I mean if, it is you on the small plane..."

- Do you have any children?

However, before the words were finished, the lips were suddenly covered by slender and beautiful fingers, preventing the rest of the words.

The Lord God lowered his thick eyelashes.

"No." He replied in a low voice, "Neither you nor I are from the small plane, and we won't have children."

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