100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1747 Interstellar Robot Butler (2)


However, the original main research field is robot emotion, but her wish has nothing to do with robots.

In addition to the genius machine scientist, Lu Chuchu also has an identity, the daughter of the big consortium.

and the only heir.

After her father passed away, she should have inherited the family business of the consortium, but because she was addicted to machine research, she was in a dilemma and decided to hand over the consortium to someone she could trust, and concentrate on scientific research herself.

But in the face of property, everything is trustworthy, and in the end, it turns to the betrayal of dog blood.

The original owner's emotional experiments failed repeatedly, and he was a little disheartened, so he came out of the scientific research retreat and planned to go outside to relax and see the situation of the consortium.

The consortium has already had major problems.

The minerals of many planets were out of control, and some mercenaries also tore up the agreement. With the original owner, a weak woman, she could not turn the tide at all. She could only watch her father's efforts go to waste.

This is her biggest regret.

It is also her wish.

Yu Chu stretched his body and thought about it.

Since the original owner's wish was to take care of the consortium, he didn't need to stay in the laboratory.

What kind of emotional robot has nothing to do with himself, there is no need to pay attention to these.

So she packed up and prepared to leave.

The data bar graph on the light screen suddenly jumped abruptly, the sleeping cabin made a beeping sound, and the red alarm above it flashed.

Yu Chu turned his head.

The original owner saved the failed file yesterday and optimized it, so the sleeping pod automatically analyzed the data, and may be trying again at this time.

But if the red siren goes off, it means that the data is loaded out of the load and must be stopped immediately, otherwise it may damage the surrounding connected instruments.

Yu Chu walked over, preparing to close the sleeping cabin.

But the red light flickered a few times, turning a solid green before she walked over to turn it off.

Green means everything is fine.

Yu Chu was stunned and hesitated a little.

Since it has turned green, then the data is normal, so don't care about it. But the original owner's wish has nothing to do with the robot, and it is useless to produce it.

She looked at the shell of the sleeping pod.

The green light flickered a few times, and finally went out, and the sleep pod dinged and stopped.

"Number 8521, finished."

The cold mechanical female voice did not fluctuate.

Yu Chu was slightly stunned, then stepped back and stared at the closed sleeping cabin.

The sleeping pod was silent.

She turned her head and glanced at the data screen again.

All the data on the screen is normal, but the area that symbolizes emotion is still blank.

This means that the robot that has been done right now, No. 8521- is still a failure.

She sighed, stepped forward, pressed the button of the sleeping cabin, and then lifted the hatch.

A robot lay quietly in the sleeping pod.

The girl's eyes flashed with amazement.

Really can't see it at all, it's a robot. The tall and slender young man was lying quietly, because the data set was a housekeeper-type robot, and he was wearing a flat and rigorous housekeeper's dress. The face measured and sculpted with precision instruments was unbelievably perfect.

Delicate jawline, fair and smooth skin, thin lips with lustrous color, closed eyes, but thick and slender eyelashes, beautiful like butterfly wings, slender and elegant.

Those hands are also very eye-catching, they are clasped and placed flat on the abdomen, each of which is slender and beautiful.

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