100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1752 Interstellar Robot Butler (7)


Apparently, it took him a few seconds of searching to respond through the relevant program.

Yu Chu was helpless, let go of him and got up and said, "Get ready, I want to go out."

"Yes." The young man bowed politely and gracefully.

Yu Chu went back to the room to change his clothes.

Just after taking off his shirt, there was a sudden knock on the door, and he knocked very politely, and then the man opened the door and came in, "Master, the car is ready."

Yu Chu didn't expect the other party to prepare to travel so efficiently, the door was not locked, and at this time, he quickly grabbed the clothes on the side to cover his body.

Wen Si's eyes are beautiful, with the blue screen light precipitating in the black, staring at her without blinking, very calm.

... Of course machines don't know how to be shy.

The girl became annoyed and glared at the other party: "You knocked on the door...why didn't you wait for me to answer?"

The young man's eyes fell on her.

The data scrolled in the eyes, the expressions were parsed into detailed reasons, and the conclusion was that the owner was shy.

The housekeeper bent over gracefully: "Sorry for the trouble to the master, I will remember to wait in the future."

Then, he stepped towards the girl and raised his long, cold fingers, "Please let Wen Si do it for you."

Yu Chu watched the beautiful young man pick up his underwear with a calm expression, lowered his eyes and unbuttoned his underwear, and raised his eyes to look at her.

The host's shyness at this time, in human expression language, is equivalent to the girl's discomfort with the opposite sex.

Data analysis is rolling in the youth's eyes.

"Master doesn't have to be shy," he said gracefully and gently, with a perfect programmed smile, "Wen Si is your robot, you don't have to feel uncomfortable."

In this intimate comfort, Yu Chu tilted his head and thought for a while, and simply stretched out his hand to let him help with dressing, while secretly rubbing and observing the other party's expression.

The young man lowered his eyes, with an elegant smile on his lips, and meticulously helped her get dressed. The blue screen data was still in his eyes, and even the curvature of the smile did not fluctuate.

The girl is a little frustrated.

After getting dressed, she stretched out her hand lazily, "Asi hug me downstairs."

The robot meekly reached out and picked her up.

The young man stepped out, walked down the stairs easily, and when he reached the living room, the doorbell rang suddenly.

The blue light flashed through his pupils, and he was instantly connected to the monitor in front of the door. After identifying the identity of the person in the monitor, Wen Si smiled and lowered his eyes and said, "Master, it's your friend, Miss Chen Bing from the Chen family, are you allowed to enter?"

Yu Chu was about to nod his head when he suddenly said, "Let me go first."

The robot put her down without question.

"Open the door." The girl ordered casually, turning around and walking towards the sand in the living room.

The robotic housekeeper followed behind, slowly picked up the cup, and poured her a cup of black tea.

Because a guest came, the young man took out the housekeeper's white gloves from his pocket and put them on his slender fingers, waiting for the guests with perfect and elegant housekeeping etiquette.

Yu Chu looked at him with his chin up, suddenly smiled and asked, "Asi, I sold you to my friend, what do you think? She told me last time that she wanted a good-looking housekeeper robot. "

The young man looked at her sideways.

His eyes were calm, programmed without emotion, standing motionless beside her, his long fingers wearing white gloves on his abdomen, perfect etiquette.

The girl continued: "I think about it, you should be the best-looking housekeeper-type robot now... It's not bad to give it as a gift to a friend."

She smiled complacently.

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