100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 174 The school grass boyfriend is a ghost (46)


The topic of women is always inseparable from cosmetics and clothing. At this kind of party, everyone took out their own treasures, and while talking, they pretended not to care, as if their precious things were just everywhere. Visible, not worth mentioning.

When Yu Chu arrived, the eyes of everyone in the audience lit up, and their gazes shifted in unison.

The girl was wearing a simple little black dress, which made her originally pale skin fairer, with a slight curl hanging over her shoulders, light makeup out of politeness, and a careless look-a little girl who was inconspicuous in high school, as if Suddenly there is a mature beauty.

The boys were dumbfounded.

The girls couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then their expressions became subtle.

Appearance is always a topic of concern. Hao Chu has changed so much that the girls will inevitably feel a little sour. And this sour feeling became even more subtle when thinking of the news that had recently made the class boil.

Season Chen.

During youth, rolling silently between lips and teeth, the name that made people blush and heartbroken, reappeared in everyone's hearts unexpectedly.

How many girls still remember the heartbeat at that time, they would be happy for a long time to pass by in the corridor, skip class and go out to watch him play basketball secretly, every time their eyes pass by, they can't help staying again and again... Such a person, who left When, how many girls cry swollen eyes.

After so many years, everyone has matured, and it seems that they can ignore the heartbeat of their youth...

Just "seems".

Everyone's expressions were subtle. They didn't see Hao Chu being accompanied, and they didn't know why. At the same time, they felt that this was normal.

No one has ever seen Ji Chen dating a girlfriend. He likes Hao Chu is just a rumor. Even if there is that note, it's a bit less concrete.

Therefore, it is completely inconceivable that a person who is indifferent and cold-hearted, likes a person. Maybe... It's also because it's completely unimaginable, so it's good that this scene doesn't appear. If it does, the girls don't know how they should react.

On the first floor of the entire villa, when it was silent for a moment because of Yu Chu's arrival, facing the low music of the band, a girl walked over first.

Seeing her, many of the classmates showed their faces.

Zhang Meng had a holiday with Hao Chu in high school, and this holiday was because of Ji Chen.

The news they heard was also chasing shadows. If it was true, it would be good that Ji Chen really came with Hao Chu, but now that Hao Chu came alone, everyone else couldn't hold their breath, let alone Zhang Meng.

The girl stepped on the high-heeled shoes and stepped on the solid wood floor, and also made a slightly crisp sound. Her long face was bright and moving in high school, and after a few years, it added a touch of beauty.

She stretched out her hand towards Yu Chu, her fingernails were a little long, and there were delicate nail stickers on them, which were shiny and set off every move, full of urban beauties.

"Long time no see." Zhang Meng said.

Yu Chu glanced at her and thought to herself, a few years later, Zhang Meng is no longer the easy to deal with Zhang Meng, and he has learned to hide his feelings and feelings...

She nodded and reached out to Zhang Meng.

The girl has clean hands, pink and white nails, slender and lovely fingers, and fair skin.

Others suddenly found in amazement that, standing in front of the former class flower, the girl's face and temperament did not seem inferior at all, but faintly turned back...

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