100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1756 interstellar robot housekeeper (11)


Chen Bing's eyes became even more envious.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, reached out to take the delicate rose, and glanced at the housekeeper beside him.

The other party still smiled and looked very well-behaved, Shen Lan's eyes stared at her without blinking.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and rubbed his head.

Wen Si accommodatingly lowered his head and let her touch it.

"Okay, I'm very happy." The girl's voice sounded, giving him a positive answer.

The robot's eyes are curved, still showing no emotion, and expressing joy with a vague expression.

Yu Chu rubbed his supple black and sighed.

When will this guy become Little Sweet? The kind who can act coquettish and cute and warm the quilt.

Judging from the person's current unwavering emotional state... it seems to be a long way from that day.

After the spaceship stopped, she took the slender young man out of the car, and Chen Bing wanted to follow him, but Yu Chu turned back and said casually, "This planet's coffee is very famous, go and buy me a cup nearby."

Chen Bing was stunned for a moment, and then his face flushed red.

In today's era, there are very few things that require humans to run errands, and errands and the like can be done by robots. There is a servant robot in front of the Sixth Consortium, but Miss Six specially ordered herself...

She felt that she had been insulted, but she did not dare to contradict her.

6 Chu Chu has a high status, so she cannot offend her.

Chen Bing clenched the corners of his clothes and said ok.

Yu Chu showed a half-smile but not a smile, and said to Wen Si, "Give her money."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Bing bit his lips.

If you treat her as a friend to help, naturally you don't have to give this little money. But she also asked the housekeeper to give her money... This was obviously instructing her as a servant.

The jealousy in Chen Bing's heart burned like a flame.

But she has no choice right now.

Wen Si heard the words, and when he turned to look at Chen Bing, he had already closed the polite and perfect arc on his lips.

He took out the card, but slowly wrapped it in a handkerchief and handed it to her through the handkerchief.

A look that doesn't want to touch her skin.

Chen Bing bit his lip and raised his head, and glanced at the other person quickly - the butler still had that kind of cold and indifferent eyes, like staring at ants, with a kind of arrogance and dignity that seemed to be born, and his eyes were flat.

She took the card and lowered her head deeply.

Yu Chu glanced at her, then turned around and entered the 6 clan consortium, and Wen Si also retracted his gaze to follow.

In front of the consortium's building, the robots scanned the identity of the eldest lady, and respectfully retracted their guns and retreated to both sides.

As Yu Chu walked in, he said to the secretary robot who came up: "Notify the meeting, I ask all members to be present, and those who fail to arrive can be removed from the consortium."

"Yes." The secretary robot respectfully said, directly issuing instructions through its own network, and the emergency bells in all high-rise rooms rang instantly.

The girl walks into the meeting room.

The conference room was huge, and there was no one at this time. Yu Chu sat down in the seat, Wen Si stood behind her with his eyes down, and looked at the girl's top quietly.

He paused for a while, then suddenly leaned over to her in silence, leaned over from the back of the chair and stretched out his hand, his slender, cold fingers lifted the girl's chin from behind, and the soft kiss of his thin lips fell silently on her soft top.

Yu Chu was stunned and looked back at him.

Robot Shen Lan's pupils Gujing had no waves, and there was no emotional fluctuation. He stared at her silently, as if he was staring indifferently, but the curvature of his lips was gentle.

With an elegant and charming voice, she whispered, "If you can, please don't sell me."

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