100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1764 Interstellar Robot Butler (19)


Robots are not solar.

Because in the interstellar era, not every light and heat star near the planet where humans live is the same as the sun. So not universal.

Even to be precise, robots do not use electricity. As long as the potential energy can be driven, it can be used as the energy of the robot.

Now they're on an energy planet, and energy ore is everywhere and it's good to recharge.

But the unpurified energy source will contaminate the machine battery and shorten the battery life.

The service life of housekeeping robots is generally more than one hundred years, and there is no problem with accompanying human beings in their entire lives.

But if you don't pay attention to the maintenance of the machine, it is likely to be shortened to several decades.

Yu Chu didn't plan to find an energy source at random. She decided to find someone else to live in first, and then make her own equipment to purify the energy source.

She looked at the youth, "How much electricity is left?"

The young beautiful pupil looked at her flatly, and answered gracefully, "You can still keep moving for three days, and if you turn on the low-power mode, it can last for a week."

There is also a low power mode.

This machine is self-made, and Yu Chu is not sure about the specific program settings, so he asks: "How does the low-power mode affect you?"

"Reactivity will drop, actions will be slow, and others will have no effect." Wen Si replied with a smile.

"Then turn it on." Yu Chu nodded.

It also does take about a week to purify the energy source.

"Yes." The robot responded politely, closed its eyes gently, and covered Shen Lan's eyes with long eyelashes.

After a few seconds this time, he gently opened his eyes again and looked at her silently.

"Master." The young man said softly.

"Have you adjusted?" Seeing that his eyes didn't change, Yu Chu couldn't help shaking his hand in front of him.

Then she saw that the other party blinked, his eyes followed her hand, and then moved back to look at her face.

His long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he said softly in a low voice, "Master, please don't give complicated orders, Wen Si is in low power mode now, and the response is very slow."

The tone of this sentence is very soft, because the response is slow, and the speech is also a little slow, and there is a sense of cuteness.

Yu Chu looked at him curiously.

The person who turned from an elegant housekeeper to a robot baby, stood there honestly, and let her look at it.

Yu Chu said, "Take my hand."

To facilitate the hand, he lowered his head and reached out, his white fingertips touched her finger, and he lowered his eyes and held it silently.

He raised his eyes. The machine's cold fingers hold the human, and the temperature contrast is obvious, so the program automatically jumps out of the praise, the robot blinks, and the voice is soft: "The master is very warm. Wen Si likes it."

Yu Chu glanced back at him, "Shut up."

There's no emotion, it's just a reaction of the machine program... What kind of flirting?

The other party paused slightly.

Slowly said: "...Oh."

Because of the slow answer, this sentence sounds aggrieved.

Yu Chu couldn't help but look back at him.

The robot obediently led her to walk with no expression on his face. He followed behind her obediently. After noticing the gaze she was looking at, he raised his eyes and showed a smile on his delicate and beautiful face.

It's still just the right arc, but the control system is not so precise. After his eyes are bent, his head is tilted, and he looks very soft.

Yu Chu said, "Don't laugh."

The other party paused again, then lowered his eyes, and slowly, honestly and obediently said: "...Oh."

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