100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1767 Interstellar Robot Butler (22)


After she left the sand, Wen Si raised her eyes to look at the girl's back, suddenly raised her white fingers, and gently grabbed the edge of her sleeve with a soft expression.

The girl looked back at him.

The beautiful and slender young man smiled, and the dark blue eyes were bent. Because of the deviation of the control system, the smile looks beautiful and soft, and said softly: "If the master wants it...Wen Si can satisfy you. With your physical strength, the lover mode will not consume too much power."

His smile is beautiful and innocent.

Because he judged that his refusal made the master unhappy, so he agreed to the request gently and considerately. In short, the job of the machine is to keep the owner happy.

He blinked and looked at each other.

The pair of Shen Lan's eyes were quiet, looking very silent and focused, so looking at it from this angle, it was like expecting the owner to be happy because of his words.

Yu Chu was stunned again, stunned, and after a long pause, he retracted his sleeves, clenched his fists to his lips and coughed slightly, "I said I didn't want to get rid of that...and what physical strength? I..."

The more she talked, the more she felt that something was wrong.

Why is speech so bad in low power mode? As if she was horny...and, physical strength?

She rubbed her temples.

The robot looked at her and tilted its head.

The judgment system was a little slow, he blinked and paused for a while, and finally gave up recognizing the master's emotions in a daze, and sat up and said obediently: "In short, Wen Si belongs to the master, and the master can ask anything."

Yu Chu glanced at him.

In the low-power mode, the very well-behaved robot baby sat upright, looking at her quietly with beautiful eyes and a smile.

The woman walked out of the room and said to them with a smile, "It's all set up, you two can go to rest. I'll go buy some food and come back now."

Yu Chu nodded politely, walked towards the room, and glanced at Wen Si again, "Brother come here."

The young man got up from the sand, followed the master's footsteps obediently, and entered the room together.

The woman looked at him, slightly surprised.

How do you feel that this beautiful brother listens to his sister's words. The movements are a little slow, calm and elegant like a nobleman, but unexpectedly well-behaved.

After the woman was surprised, she didn't pay much attention to it, so she walked out of the door and hurried to the market to buy something.

Afterwards, she went to the mine, found Shanggong's son, told him that there were guests at home, and they were a pair of brothers and sisters on the planet of the imperial capital, and then told him a few words.

Her son's name is Li Jiesi, a 20-year-old young man. He was surprised when he heard what his mother said, but he agreed first and asked curiously, "A pair of brothers and sisters? Staying here because the spaceship made an emergency landing?"

The woman nodded.

"Okay," Li Jies replied, "I'll say hello to them when I get back."

The woman nodded in agreement and went back by herself.

And Yu Chu was in the room at this time, playing with the robot baby in low power mode.

This guy is so cute when he's sluggish.

And he was molested for no reason just now... After not being molested, Yu Chu felt that he was at a loss.

She held her chin and said with a smile: "Do you know what shyness is? Come on, teach me one."

The robot looked at her silently, then reacted sluggishly for a while, then lowered his head and pursed his thin lips. After a long silence, he shook his head and whispered, "Master, please don't set too difficult requirements, Wen Si... doesn't quite understand it now."

Shen Lan's pupils are pure.

Yu Chu was startled, then raised his eyebrows and smiled again.

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