100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1776 Interstellar Robot Butler (31)


Wen Si didn't speak and turned to look at the girl.

Yu Chu raised the corners of his lips with a half-smile, not interested in this farce, and was too lazy to meddle in his own business.

She turned her head, "Asi, let's go."

"Yes." The young man bowed his head and said politely, taking his long fingers off her shoulders and holding her gently.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side laughed: "Do you still want someone to help you? If you want me to say, you have no money to gamble on yourself. At this point, you deserve it."

He waved: "Take it away."

The man in black swarmed up, lifted him up, covered his mouth and dragged him down neatly.

Yu Chu has some understanding of this planet.

The gambling industry has always been very risky, but once you win, the profits you get are also huge.

She didn't stay long, took Wen Si out of here, and found a hotel to stay.

Although Wen Si was a robot, no one knew his identity when he was out, so Yu Chu opened two rooms and handed the young man a room card.

Wen Si politely extended his long finger to take it.

The two went back to their rooms.

The room was large, the bed in the bedroom looked soft and comfortable, and the robot walked gracefully into the room, scanned the room, and sat down on the sand.

The young man's back is straight, his eyes are lowered slightly, his slender and cold fingers are crossed, his elbows are on the armrest, and he is silent and motionless in an elegant and abiding manner.

The sky outside the window gradually darkened.

The light of the setting sun gradually moved from the edge of the window to the window sill. In a few hours, Wen Si's beautiful side face was mottled with light and shadow, and the delicate eyebrows were in the light of the setting sun, and then gradually darkened, and finally disappeared into darkness.

He remained motionless.

The robot's programming includes cooking, singing, and other skills, enough to make him look like a human being.

But once you leave the master, all skills are useless, and the only thing you need to do is silence.

Like an idle toy, all actions are meaningless, just wait for the next time to see the owner.

When the night was getting darker, there was a sudden knock on the door, and the young man's calm pupils turned around and escaped from the state of unblinking. His eyelashes blinked slightly, and he got up and stretched his long legs to open the door.

The door opened, and outside the door was a girl in a small black dress who smiled at him.

The young man's eyes were flat and unwavering, but he still programmed the corners of his lips to show a polite smile.

The gloomy blue eyes looked at her without any emotion: "What's the matter with this lady?"

"My name is Qin Mingxiu, and I'm a friend of your Six Group." The girl's eyes flashed with interest, and she said slowly, "Uncle Liu Bai sold this asteroid to me some time ago, I'm here to take a look. Unexpectedly, I met the two of you..."

She glanced at the beautiful fair face of the robot, and smiled: "Your master really has the strength, Uncle Liu Bai thought that your spaceship crashed... I didn't expect you to finish an asteroid unharmed."

The young man bowed politely and gracefully, "If you want to talk to the master, I will tell the master tomorrow."

"I'm not looking for her." The girl looked at him incredulously, "I came to you on purpose."

The robot looked at her quietly.

The blue light of data reflected in the bottom of his beautiful eyes.

Qin Mingxiu looked at him, suddenly raised her eyebrows in a good mood, and whispered: "Dear, you have another command to recognize the master... I am also your master."

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