100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1787 Interstellar Robot Butler (42)


Being questioned like this, he didn't get angry at all. The other party still kept the robot calm and polite, and politely repeated: "I don't know, sorry."

Qin Mingxiu frowned tightly and said displeasedly, "Aren't you the robot she trusts most?" She said irritably, but couldn't help but said, "Could it be that my guess is right... She doesn't trust you at all? ?"

The robot looked at her.

Across the rain screen, his eyes were polite and calm, his expression more kind and elegant, the smile on his thin lips did not change, his voice was low and sweet, and he said softly: "You have said this many times."

The robot maintained a perfect and calm etiquette, looked down at the girl condescendingly, with clear indifference and cold eyes, but then rolled her eyes and said gently and politely: "I'm disappointed, I really don't know."

Holding an umbrella, he stepped forward.

Qin Mingxiu took a step back subconsciously.

The other party was clearly looking at her with a polite expression, but she felt a bone-chilling coldness rushing towards her, and she could barely stand on her feet.

"However, 'Master doesn't trust me', please don't say that." He smiled.

This sentence is a polite and gentle request, but Qin Mingxiu feels irresistibly cold, like a threat of being pointed at the head with a gun.

She opened her mouth, but there was no words in her throat, so she could only watch the other person leave in front of her.

The black umbrella, the elegant youth, calmly left in front of her, with a slender back, cold and dangerous.

Qin Mingxiu suddenly had an absurd thought.

She felt as if she was underestimating each other.

It's clearly just a robot... but it gives people a sense of oppression on the heart. The gentle request just now, and the indifferent look in the eyes...

All make people feel very nervous.

Did she really control each other? Qin Mingxiu couldn't help but have doubts at this moment.

But there is no problem with the program. How can a machine that has been programmed betray itself?

Yu Chu was at the front desk and asked two waitresses for a drink. In the current service industry, jobs are basically replaced by machines, because the services of machines are much cheaper than those of humans. Only high-end hotels will use humans as waiters in an antique manner.

After she woke up today, Wen Si was no longer around, so she simply went out to have a look.

Yesterday he seemed to have said that it was raining today, so let her stay in the room. Yu Chu was idle and had nothing to do. She went to the front desk and asked the waiter for a drink. The other party smiled and handed over a glass of juice. She lowered her head and took a sip.

Just thinking about where to go next, the two waiters at the front desk suddenly whispered excitedly, then bowed their heads shyly, not daring to look behind her.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and looked back.

The young man in black with a black umbrella walked up the steps, took the umbrella gracefully and leisurely, and raised his eyes. Those eyes were as black as abyss, with the dark blue of a gloomy gentleman.

The rain outside is pattering, splashing crystal clear on the antique bluestone road, which has a classical charm.

And the man took the black umbrella, and his beautiful eyes curled up. The black was slightly wet and stained with mist, but he seemed more supple and gentle, like the noble gentleman in the painting.

The identities of Yu Chu and Wen Si were revealed after meeting Qin Mingxiu. Now the hotel knows that there is a housekeeper machine beside the six eldest ladies.

But even though they knew it was a machine, they still showed amazing eyes.

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