100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1798 Interstellar Robot Butler (53)


Changing clothes, also changing... Such a personal service is really a bit overwhelming.

"What are you thinking? I called you twice."

The butler had a perfect smile on his thin lips, his sapphire-like eyes looked at her, and the white scarf at the neckline was inlaid with gems of the same color as his eyes.

Her white-gloved hand gently supported her calf, "Master, please raise your foot."

Yu Chu quickly obeyed.

"All right."

With the elegant voice falling. Those slender, cold hands held her ankles and calves, the young man lowered his eyes slightly and kissed her knees lightly.

"You are beautiful, master."

This sentence is polite and gentle. But it's like there's something deep inside.

Yu Chu looked at the full-length mirror in the room.

The girl in the mirror was tall and slender, and she looked really beautiful in a dress.

Especially standing together with the delicate young man behind her, there is an inexplicable feeling of matching.

She looked at the man a few more times in the mirror.

The other party has drooping eyelashes, and the corners of his lips are as perfect and precise as ever, indifferent.

The banquet was held as scheduled.

As a newly promoted duchess and the host of the banquet, Yu Chu became the core of the audience without any surprise.

After she appeared on the stairs, there were endless compliments around her, and the men showed their astonished expressions and tried to talk to each other persistently.

But they will be stopped by the polite butler. They knew that it was the lady's robot butler, who had the most advanced programs in the world. If they entangled themselves again, they would probably touch the robot's protection program and be beaten and thrown out.

So they had to leave.

Even if the robot is gentle and polite on the surface, the program to protect the owner is touched, and the fight can make people doubt life every minute.

After hitting a lot of people, the rest of the people stopped coming forward.

Yu Chu walked to the corner of the banquet and wanted to take off his shoes and take a break.

Seeing her thoughts, the people next to her leaned over with a smile and said, "Master, go to the balcony to rest for a while."

The girl nodded, gave him her hand, and was led to the balcony.

In the middle of the journey, another man greeted him.

Yu Chu didn't even look at it, but the housekeeper politely stopped him and smiled: "If it's a business matter, you can contact me later. Could you please let me know?"

The man was suddenly at a loss.

Yu Chu didn't care, and was about to cross the other side to leave, but the man suddenly opened his mouth and said in a clear voice: "Chuchu...it's me. Do you remember me? You lived with me when you were young..."

The girl stopped abruptly.

She turned her head and looked at the man with a fixed gaze, with a vague disbelief in her eyes.

She remembered the sound.

——The other party looks very young, handsome and clear, and looks like a very comfortable and gentle feeling, and his temperament is also a gentle bookish atmosphere.

Yu Chu also had an impression of this face.

What he just said was not the experience of the original owner of this plane, but her own experience - her own experience before she traveled through the small plane.

Yes, she remembered that although she was very young at that time, she was thrown away by the young master god, and the experience was rough, and she remembered everything after that.

She was taken home by a gentle elder brother, and after asking her whether she had no parents, the other party did not send her to the police station, but took her for a while.

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