100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1810 Brother is the Elf King (6)


But being cute is still a must.

To deal with the indifferent and beautiful brother, she now has small arms and calves, so she can't be fooled, and she can't coerce and lure her, so she has to use this coquettish and cute method.

After all, children are cute killers, and Senen has proved that this is very useful.

As she thought about it, she turned over softly in the flower basket, opened her small white and tender arms, and babbled at the young elf king, in a hugging gesture.

It stands to reason that children who do not cry and do not make trouble will be likable, at least not disgusting.

Especially since he and His Majesty the Elf King were born from the same leaf, shouldn't he dislike her?

Yu Chu blinked.

The elf pretty boy looked at her for a few seconds.

He leaned over slightly, the golden length spread out like the sun, the skin became clearer under the gold, the delicate long ears showed small tips, and the fingers were as white as ice and snow, and he picked her up from the flower basket.

These hands are slender and beautiful, and they have the unique clarity and slenderness of the elves, and they have a fragile beauty.

However, although his face is a little too delicate and beautiful, so beautiful that it gives the illusion of fragility, the ability of this majesty is not at all different from the surface.

Yu Chu knew that this beautiful young man was the youngest king of the elves for a long time, possessing the most brilliant gold and the purest talent.

His talent is as perfect as his looks.

At this moment, nestled in his arms, resting on each other's shoulders, Yu Chu blinked at the beauty, but had no intention of appreciating it. She was so hungry that she thought about how to express her hunger.

After all, this beauty is His Majesty the elf king who is aloof. In her previous life, she did not care about her sister, not to mention other children. So this guy looks like he has never brought a child, so he probably can't take the initiative to feed her, so he can only think of a way by himself.

She was thinking.

The other party held her in one hand, looked down at the swaddled leaves, but lowered his eyes with the color of the buds on the branches, the sun-like gold hanging on his shoulders, and the other hand of the boy gently pulled her away. leaves on the body.

The little girl opened her eyes.

It was the only cover on her body. She immediately raised her little hand subconsciously, grabbed the only shelter, and widened her green eyes.

Due to her grasping, Gasher paused slightly, and his movements encountered a small resistance. He glanced down at her, and then with light force, he pulled the leaves off and put them aside.

The little girl released her hand, and the leaves moved away from her, and she immediately snuggled into the other's arms.

Yu Chu gritted his teeth and covered his face with his hands.

Brother, can't be such a hooligan.

Gasser turned his eyes to the side, glanced at the torn leaf, and asked in a voice as clear and cold as a stream, "Did you torn it from the tree of life?"

His tone was thoughtful.

Rather than asking, it's better to talk to yourself. After all, a new-born elf would not answer.

Looking at the energy of this leaf, it is the one from which I was born. No one dared to move the blade of His Majesty the Elf at will, so it was this sister who moved.

As soon as it is born, it will tear the leaves.

He put the leaves aside, and then lowered his eyes, looking at the naked little doll in his arms.

She covered her face with her little hands.

The white and tender little body, the skin is as fair as snow and smooth, and the little face is very cute.

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