100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1821 Brother is the Elf King (17)


She immediately rolled over and sat up, raised her little hand in front of her in surprise, and looked over and over.

Then he tugged at his own length in surprise.

That's right...

In just one afternoon of sleep, she has changed from a baby who can only crawl to a child who can stand up and walk. She is about three or four years old in human age, and her light chestnut length hangs down to her waist.

Is the growth of the elves so miraculous?

The original owner's memory had no such information. Yu Chu was startled by the sudden growth. He sat in the flower basket for a while without moving, and finally turned over the flower basket by himself.

She trotted to the mirror.

A small figure was reflected inside, a three or four-year-old child, with a light chestnut hair hanging down from his waist, the elf's long ears, white and small, and a sweet face.

She pinched her long ears, then turned around and looked at it in surprise. The clothes that were very loose were now noticeably smaller. The top only covered her waist, and a white and soft belly was exposed under the hem.

She trotted into the bedroom. The little rabbit at his feet also jumped over.

The little girl kept running into the study, stumbled to the desk, and then raised her face and smiled.

"Brother, brother..."

In the center of the entire study is a huge tree, with its branches circling and covering the entire room, the branches are divided into different grids, and books are placed. The canopy covers the dome, which is full of colorful flowers.

The sunlight penetrated between the branches, and the boy in the corner took down a book, his snow-white slender fingers gently turned a page, and his warm and beautiful pupils drooped down.

He wore a crystal crown on his head, Jin poured like light, and when he heard the call of the little girl, he turned his head slightly.

Gasser was stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, he stared at the girl, put the book back gently, and walked towards her with his long legs.

Yu Chu pursed his lips slightly.

He must have seen the maroon head, but he just didn't know how he would treat her next.

She stood at the desk, her little finger twisted.

The beautiful elder brother knelt down in front of her. Those beautiful emerald eyes looked at her for a while. The young man raised his hand and rubbed her head. The clear voice was the same as before, "I have grown up a bit."

The tone was still the same soft and gentle.

Yu Chu was slightly relieved.

It seems that the attitude of the other party has not changed. During this time, he should really treat her as a sister.

Brothers and sisters of elves, and brothers and sisters of humans, have different meanings. Since elves are born naturally, there is no such thing as blood, so from a human point of view, it is difficult to say that the two are related.

But in the elf race, because they were born from the same leaf, they could naturally be said to be brothers and sisters. Judging from the attitude of the elf king towards him, he should also regard himself as his sister, and he would not change it easily.

Besides, he is already the elf with the purest talent, so it doesn't seem to matter how his sister is.

Don't just leave her alone.

The little girl blinked, tiptoed to open her hand at the boy, and said softly, "Brother."

The boy rolled his eyes, picked her up, and sat behind the desk. He held the little girl's wrist with his fair and slender hands, stroked the back of her hand with his fingertips, pinched the soft flesh on the back of his sister's hand, and glanced at the hem of her clothes.

The clothes that used to be very loose, now only cover the waist, revealing a small section of the fair belly.

The boy raised his delicate eyebrows slightly, and moved his fingers down to cover his exposed stomach.

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