100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1823 Brother is the Elf King (19)


Yu Chu said this intentionally, wanting to carefully test the Elf King's views on his own sex.

Will he feel that the purity is not enough?

Or don't care at all?

She looked into those eyes that were the same as hers. The elf boy's beautiful pupil color is warm and green, and a slight soft smile rises, "This color is also very beautiful."

He looked down for a while, slender and white fingers clasped together, and looked at the chestnut-colored man lying between his fingers, "In the future, my brother will comb your pigtails for you."


After hearing this, Yu Chu had a bad feeling.

Brother, can you braid your hair? ?

The beautiful hand was lightly folded in between, the Elf King seemed to be interested in braiding the head, lowered his eyes and looked at her soft top quietly, with a thoughtful expression.

Yu Chu turned his head without a trace, took the long out of his hand, opened his small hand and embraced a strand of golden long, the golden strand was lying in her palm like the sun, she innocently said to the beautiful boy, "Brother, beautiful..."

Gasher glanced at the wisp of gold.

"Do you like your brother's head?" he said casually, "Then let you comb it."

Yu Chu's eyes lit up instantly.

She looked up at the delicate face of the little beauty.

This kind of beautiful face - fair skin, elf long ears, if you do him a girl's braid, it must be very beautiful... She is a little bit ready to move.

Well, exchange your own head for the other's head, comb each other's hair and braid each other's hair, this wave is not a loss.

So she grinned.

This smile also softened the elf brother's eyes, and lightly touched her head.

The little girl drilled into the boy's arms, grabbed the corner of his clothes with her little hand, looked at the books on the desk with her head, pointed, "Books..."

"Do you want to hear a story?" The beautiful young man was almost responsive, hugged her and sat her down, raised his hand and picked out a few books, "Then brother, let me tell you."

Listening to such a beautiful voice tell a story, even though it is a children's story, it is also a pleasure.

The two siblings live in harmony.

Senene walked into the study and saw such a harmonious and beautiful scene.

He coughed and saluted, "Your Majesty."

The boy hummed, "You said."

The little girl in his arms also raised her head, glanced at him curiously, and lowered her head to read again.

So Senen began to report something.

While listening, His Majesty the Elf King did not delay in telling stories to his sister. With a sweet and clear voice, he read the fairy tales in the book unhurriedly.

"Your Majesty, recently our elves..."

"So the little rabbit said, don't eat me."


Senen's eyes twitched slightly.

He continued to report in a deep voice, and His Majesty continued to tell the story in a low voice. Senene glanced at the elf in His Majesty's arms, and the elf also raised his head and glanced at him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Senene feels that this little doll seems to be a little gloating?

He couldn't help staring at the little girl for a while.

Perhaps because his eyes stopped on the little princess for too long, the young emperor's storytelling voice paused, his long and beautiful fingers clinging to the storybook, he lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Are you finished?"

"Ah...not yet." Senene quickly retracted his gaze and bent over, "I'm just thinking...the princess has grown up a bit, maybe she should find a playmate."

His Majesty thought thoughtfully, "Looking for a playmate?"


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