100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1826 Brother is the Elf King (22)


Gasser glanced at her sideways. The elf leaned on his shoulder and stuck his head out. He raised his hand and pressed her forehead, "Be careful, don't fall."

The little girl stuck out her tongue at him, and the little ears of the maroon elf moved. She looked curiously at the small bow and arrow in her brother's hand, "My?"


The teenager turned his wrist slightly, while lightly engraving patterns, his voice was clear: "The weapon of the elves is the bow and arrow. Let's make one as a toy for you first. Um... The real bow, when you grow up, my brother will teach you."

Yu Chu glanced at the profile of the beautiful young man.

Crow's long eyelashes are curled and slender, the arc from the fair forehead to the bridge of the nose is perfect, the lips are bright red, and the gold hangs down beside the white cheeks. She reached out and gently picked up a strand of it, and touched it in the palm of her hand.

Hey, it's really not easy to be like this.

She stared at the elf's long ear again, leaned on her brother's shoulder carefully, took the bright and supple Jin, and pursed her lips and blew at the delicate long ear.

The elf king paused, did not turn his head, only whispered, "Aegway, what are you doing?"

The little girl tilted her head and hugged his neck.

"Did you get dirty after playing for a day?" The boy's voice was cold and pleasant, and he said lightly, "If you don't obey me, I'll take you to take a bath now."

Yu Chu: "..."

As soon as she heard the bath, she immediately got out of the chair obediently, and obediently went to the side to play.

Not afraid of the bath itself.

To be precise, she was afraid that her brother would bathe her.

Just too embarrassing.

Seeing her crawling down obediently, the corners of the boy's lips twitched into a small smile, and he continued to sculpt carelessly in his hands.

The beautiful boy's fingers are also beautiful, white and long, holding the knife to carve out the patterns little by little. When he was almost done, he put down his things and glanced at his sister who was playing alone not far away.

"Aegway?" His Majesty the Elf whispered.

The little girl moved for a while, but pretended not to hear, didn't look back, and continued to flip through the book in her hand.

Gasser raised his lips slightly, got up and walked towards her, "Igway, it's no use ignoring me."

It's time to take a bath.

So in the end there was no escape.

Carrying the little girl to the hot spring pool, the boy probed his hands to test the temperature and looked back at her.

The elf frowned, trying to express to him her desire to take a bath independently. She pointed at herself with wide emerald green eyes, "I, send a few."

Brother Elf King looked at her for a while.

"Don't make trouble," he took his sister's little hand and reached out to take off her clothes, "You're still young, how do you wash yourself? Don't be embarrassed to my brother."

Yu Chu struggled, but was stripped of her clothes by the beautiful brother and put her into the hot spring water.

The little elf shrank in the water, and only a pair of eyes and the tips of long ears were exposed on the water.

The young man picked up the water between his fingers and gently soaked it along her light chestnut length. In the steaming mist, the little girl's white and tender face was dyed ruddy, her eyelashes were stained with water, and her emerald green eyes looked wet.

The elf king stood up, his slender white fingers gently placed on the waist of his robe, he slowly took off his coat, and the hem of his robe slowly faded.

Gold against the juvenile's slender neck, the collarbone is white and delicate, the young body under the robe is dazzling, and the little girl in the water immediately covered her eyes.

The young man's body was as white as light, against the bright gold of the sun, the young man stepped into the water.

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