100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1829 Brother is the Elf King (25)


When Yu Chu woke up again, the dazzling sunlight came into her eyes, and she narrowed her eyes subconsciously.

Outside the window is the bright sunshine, a bright color, reminiscent of the gold of the elf boy.

She froze for a moment, then slowly sat up, looking around, her brows gradually wrinkled.

This is a small room, and there are loud voices outside the window, and it seems to be a street outside. It looks like some kind of hotel.

The road actually brought her to the place where human beings live?

I don't know how long she has been in a coma, and how far away she is from the elves. Gotta find a way to go back.

There was no one else in the room, and the elf immediately jumped off the bed, climbed up the window with small hands and feet, and was about to push open the window and jump out of the window to escape.

But when her small hand was pushed against the window, she paused again, raised her hand and touched her ear.

Ah... or the pointed ears of the elf.

How to go out like this?

According to the original owner's memory, the elf and human wells do not invade the river, and the elves will not go to the human world.

And most humans have never seen elves.

Just running out like this, the elf's long ears will definitely attract attention, and maybe it will cause trouble.

She pursed her lips and thought for a while, then looked around the room and stopped on a black tablecloth.

If the elf brother was here, she would definitely not let her wear such a tablecloth... But in order to escape, the image or something is not important.

She was about to walk over to get the tablecloth, but the door creaked open, and an elegant human youth walked in.

He looked clear and gentle, and the corners of his lips curved even more softly when he saw the little girl.

"you're awake."

Yu Chu looked at him motionlessly.

When Lu saw her standing by the window, he knew that she planned to jump out of the window and escape. He couldn't help but smiled helplessly and walked towards her, "You still don't want to go out. The elves don't show up in the world often, and you will be in danger."

The little girl looked at him quietly, and sneered when she heard the words, "Didn't you bring me here?"

The youth pursed his lips, "Don't tell me, you still want to be with him? This time your identities are brothers and sisters..."

"It's not blood siblings." Yu Chu was too lazy to talk nonsense and rolled his eyes, "Besides, it's my business to decide where I want to live."

She looked at each other and sighed again, "Brother Lu Jing, you are kidnapping and selling children."

Lu actually couldn't help laughing, his eyes softened, and he looked at her: "You are always like this... No matter what situation you are in, you are always calm."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, a little incredulous, "You don't like me because of this, right?"

The young man smiled and did not answer.

"If it's because of this, you definitely don't like me as much as you think, it's just for a while." Yu Chu thought thoughtfully, trying to convince him, "Brother Lu Jing, I will ask your lord to send you to a small plane. Don't you want to live the rest of your life in peace?"

"I beg the Lord God?" Lu Jing's tone became a little helpless, "You plead for me, I'm afraid that God will be jealous, and even more unwilling to let me go."

Yu Chu: "..."

"I know he likes you," Lu Jing said, sighing softly, "but this kind of thing is too uncertain, if he doesn't like it in the future, your end will be worse than before, you didn't say no. Rights. As a god, that person has all the initiative."

Yu Chu didn't speak.

This is one thing she doesn't like about Lu Jing.

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