100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1835 Brother is the Elf King (31)


The elf boy's eyes were light, looking at the bustling and prosperous town in front of him, "I don't feel anything."

I didn't feel anything before.

It's been a bit annoying since the beginning.

The young man didn't say much, he led his sister into a bookstore, looked up and looked around.

The elf king likes to be quiet, and this world is too noisy, only the bookstore is quiet.

The solid wood bookshelves were neatly arranged, and the boss greeted them and said with a smile, "What book do you two want to read?"

His eyes looked at the black-robed boy.

But the other party covered it up very well, and he couldn't see his face at all, only a faint streak of gold could be seen from the black hood. The owner of the black robe seemed to have gold, and the color was very dazzling, like sunlight.

He turned his gaze to the little girl again.

The little girl showed her face, and Li Xia's little face was so cute that the boss couldn't help but take a second glance.

The little girl also looked up at him.

But the next second, she was held by a slender hand, and the voice of the figure in the black robe was cold and sweet, sounding very young. The boss had never heard such a nice voice, but the other party seemed a little cold.

"Let's see for ourselves."

"Hey, good." The boss nodded quickly.

The black-robed boy led the little girl and walked to the bookshelf on the side. But Yu Chu was led a few steps by his brother, but suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, boss, do you have a book about love stories here? Where is it?"

Gasher looked back at his sister.

The boss quickly replied: "That one is on the bookshelf at the rear left. You two take a look at it slowly."

The two guests walked inside, and the boss wiped the sweat from his forehead. It's also strange, why was the black-clothed guest glanced at him... He didn't even see the other party's eyes, he only felt that the other party seemed to be watching him, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

All I could see was the arc of the guest's chin, which was cold and white, and the lines were exceptionally beautiful.

What an odd two guests.

The boss shook his head and walked away without disturbing him.

"Brother," the little girl lowered her hood slightly, showing a tip of the elf's ear, "I want to see a love story! We elves don't seem to have love, why do humans have?"

Crazy hints.

"The elves don't have any affection," the young man casually opened the booklet next to him, lowered his warm and beautiful eyes, and said in a low voice, "We don't need these."

Yu Chu: "..."

Elf brother seems to be straight.

"Then, can I go take a look?" She tentatively grabbed her brother's shirt and asked.

Gasser glanced at her and nodded without any objection, "Don't go far."

"Okay." The elf ran away, went to the bookshelf in the rear left, and picked up a book on tiptoe.

It seems like a long way to go to enlighten my brother.

Gasser's eyes followed his sister, and when he saw that she was reading the book obediently, he lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes swept a faint shadow on his fair face.

He casually opened a book and looked at it.

Humans have always respected elves.

Because the elves are a symbol of nature, with unparalleled beauty and extraordinary abilities.

But under such a background, a young man of the human race dared to touch the princess of the elf race.

What was the purpose of the human who stole Aegway? Igway is still so young, she has never touched any human beings. Why did that person want her...

Gasher lowered his eyes.

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