100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1851 Brother is the Elf King (47)


After watching the three people go upstairs, the noise under the tavern resumed again. Someone carefully went to check the big man's condition, lifted him up and sent him to the hospital.

These days, crowds often gather in the streets to make troubles, fights, and injuries are common.

Going upstairs, the compartment was much quieter, Yu Chu helped the beautiful brother to sit down, Lu actually followed behind and glanced at her, "Women's clothing is your idea?"

Yu Chu pouted: "Otherwise? Do you think my brother can dress up as a woman... He is the elf king."

Lu smiled helplessly.

The two of them talked, but the boy never said a word, sitting quietly at the table with his eyes down.

"What do you want to say to my brother?" Yu Chu looked up at Lu Jing, "Do you want him to leave me?"

Lu Jing pursed his lips and was about to answer, but the next second, his eyes widened in shock, and he was very surprised to see that the elf king at the table raised his eyes, raised his hands to hug the waist of his sister in front of him, and rubbed his fair cheeks softly. rub.

His voice was also soft, "What did you say... Igway, do you want to leave brother?"

The hood slipped, and his fair and delicate long ears rubbed against his sister's waist, muttering in a low voice, "I'm not allowed. Igway... You're never, ever allowed to leave me."

There is a vague hint of coquettishness.

Yu Chu lowered his head and rubbed his brother's gold.

The opposite Lu was stunned, and it took a long while to find his voice: "He, he..."

Yu Chu pondered, if she told Lu Jing that the Elf King was drunk, and if the other party took her away again, her current ability might not be enough to resist.

So, let him think that his brother is sober.

She raised her chin, "Uh... my brother likes to be coquettish to me. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Like to be spoiled? ? ?

The road was a bit ridiculous for a while.

The elf king Gasher, according to rumors, is indifferent and pure. Although he has powerful abilities, he has an emotion that is as calm as water, and he is always calm.

Such a person - like to act like a spoiled child?

He instinctively thought it was funny, but when he glanced at the Elf King, the other party did hold his sister and didn't let go, his delicate long ears were pressed against her waist, and his eyes were lowered in silence.

No wonder Lu couldn't see that he was drunk, it was really that this person was not like being drunk when he was drunk, his pure and clear emerald green eyes were very sober, and he couldn't see anything unusual at all.

He finally pursed his lips and said solemnly, "Your Majesty Gasser, can we talk?"

The boy opposite raised his eyes and glanced at him indifferently, then silently hugged his sister tightly, and said coldly, "Do you want to snatch Aegway?"

Lu Jing was slightly startled, and before he answered the question, the other party hugged his sister tightly and whispered vigilantly, "My sister is mine, you can't take it away."

Saying that, he raised his head and looked at the girl with emerald green pupils, "Isn't it right, Aegway?"

Yu Chu touched the elf boy's Jin and nodded to him, "Yes."

So the elf king seemed to be satisfied, his fair face was close to his sister, and his thick eyelashes were slightly lowered.

Lu actually didn't understand the situation.

According to rumors, His Majesty the Elf King is pure and indifferent, but the current situation is completely the opposite...

He gritted his teeth slightly and suddenly said, "But I won't give up, I like her. Even if your plane can stop me, I will always..."

Before he finished speaking, the soft and cute elf boy raised his head slightly, his beautiful face was expressionless.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly raised a snow-white slender hand.

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