100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1854 Brother is the Elf King (50)


"Brother, we were misunderstood, you know?"

She withdrew her hand helplessly, and helped her brother to stand up, "Let's go back to the hotel. When you wake up, we'll go back to the elves together."

The boy was supported by her to stand up, the golden braid fell, Yu Chu helped him put on his hood on tiptoe, and covered his long white ears in the dark shadow, only showing the golden tips.

The two went downstairs together, the boy's fingers lightly resting on her shoulders, and there was nothing unusual about walking.

It looks exactly like a sober person.

However, those eyes were vaguely dumbfounded.

Yu Chu couldn't help but smiled, took his hand off and held it, went downstairs and walked out of the tavern directly.

Since they came down, the maid behind the bar was blushing, dodging and daring to look at them.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly and whistled at her.

The maid's face suddenly turned red into cooked shrimp, and her hands panicked and knocked over the cup next to her.

Yu Chu looked funny.

Suddenly a hand came over and turned her face back. The beautiful brother's voice was clear and slow, and he said calmly, "Don't do this to others."

Yu Chu blinked, "That pair of elder brothers?"

As she spoke, she hugged her brother's waist with a smile, leaned in and whistled softly to the tip of her ear.

The elf boy's cheeks were slightly red, and he pursed his lips for a while without saying a word, and finally said softly: "Well, you are not allowed to do this to others... you can only do this to your brother."

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing and hugging his waist.

The two returned to the hotel, the Elf King looked a little sleepy, Yu Chu helped him to lie down on the bed, lifted the hood to reveal his beautiful face, and then slowly helped him untie the golden braid and comb it to the end with a comb.

Because of being drunk, the boy's fair face was a little red, and his eyelashes were fluttering down on his eyelids.

Because he was in the human world, he did not wear the crystal crown of the elf king, and the gold was scattered randomly, looking less indifferent, but more attractive and sweet.

His lips parted slightly, breathing lightly.

Yu Chu thoughtfully lifted the gold on the boy's shoulder, looked at the other person's sleeping appearance, smiled helplessly, and simply lay down on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

The Lu Jing matter should be resolved soon.

She has traveled a lot. Because the Lord God Fragments protect each other without exception, there is no danger along the way, and thinking about it now is a sweet memory.

Don't know when this road will end.

I don't know what will happen at the end.

She sighed softly.

When Gasher woke up, he saw his sister by the bed, holding her face and looking at him with a smile.

Emerald green eyes blinked, and the younger sister tilted her head with a smile, "Brother, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Gasser got up from the bed, her slender fingers slightly supported her forehead, only to realize that her clothes had been changed, and it was no longer a women's dress.

The elf boy pursed his lips, and the tips of his ears turned slightly red.

Seeing the embarrassment of the other party, Yu Chu leaned over and said with a smile: "I helped my brother change the clothes. Anyway, when I was a child, my brother changed it for me every time."

The young man pursed his lips and kept his face away, so as not to let his sister see the expression on his face, "Okay... How long have I slept? Did I drink a lot of alcohol?"

"I slept all afternoon. My brother got drunk after only one sip, so I'll stop touching bars in the future." Yu Chu got up from the bed and said, "Brother doesn't remember the morning..."

The young man raised his eyes, and the beautiful pupil looked slightly puzzled.

The girl glanced at him, "Brother insisted on kissing me in the public."

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