100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1859 Brother is the Elf King (55)


"Brother?" The girl was stunned, her expression became a little weird, and she reached out to push the vines.

But these green vines couldn't get rid of them, they were entangled in a coquettish way, and when one was removed, another one immediately came to entangle them, making people helpless.

Yu Chu finally gave up and looked at the boy.

When she was breaking away from these branches, the other party kept looking at her, her lips slightly raised, and she seemed to be somewhat happy. Is it fun to watch her break free? Is this guy an Elf King or a three-year-old child?

Yu Chu tugged at the vine on his ankle: "Brother, don't tie me up, I won't leave you."

Gasher raised his lips slightly.

His golden and pure, warm and beautiful eyes are like new leaves on the branches, but there is a bit of darkness inside, like the shadows covering the light, revealing a light.

"But there is always someone who misses you." The young man said, standing up and striding, the corners of the elf king's clothes hanging down behind him, the crystal crown lining the young man's noble and clear.

He looked back and said, "It's good to be here, my brother will come back to accompany you when he is done with his work."

The elf king leaned over slightly, the golden long slanted down, and the gorgeous thin lips were lightly pressed against his sister's forehead.

After a soft kiss, he walked away.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, watching him get up and walk away, she opened her lips, and finally stopped him without opening her mouth, thinking helplessly silently.

I didn't expect the beauty brother to play blackening...

But according to the original plot, maybe in the past few days, the elves from the dark forest will come to visit, and their queen will fall in love with Gasher at a glance.

According to the original owner's memory, the beautiful elder brother did not agree to the dark elf queen. After all, Gasher himself is ruthless, pure as the morning sun.

The elf boy is not at all obsessed with love.

So it didn't work last time.

Yu Chu originally planned to meet the queen, but at this juncture, he was locked in the room by his brother... tied with vines? ?

She sighed.

In fact, she didn't know where the uneasiness of His Majesty the Elf King came from, and the uneasiness made her trapped.

But in order not to make the other party more paranoid, obviously at this time, it is better for her to stay honest.

When Gasher came back, his sister was still in the room.

Those vines are very flexible, and she can move freely in the whole bedroom, but once she gets close to the door, the vines will block the door consciously and wrap her ankles.

Yu Chu turned his head and smiled, "Brother, you are back. Did you encounter anything in the hall today?"

Her attitude was very good, which made brother sister control slightly happy, walked towards her, nodded and said casually: "A group of dark elves came today. Don't worry, they won't come here to disturb you."

The girl nodded obediently.

However, as soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise from outside the bedroom, and the elf guards dutifully guarded the door: "Queen, you can't go in—"

"Go away." A coquettish and gloomy voice whispered, the muffled groans of the guards came from outside the door, followed by the sound of their bodies slamming against the wall.

Gasser turned his head back, his emerald eyes narrowed slightly.

A woman strode into the bedroom, her voice was gloomy when facing the guards just now, but at this moment it turned into a charming, "Your Majesty the Elf King, my request today is absolutely beneficial, you should think about it..."

She turned around the front hall to the bedroom, and after seeing the scene inside, her eyes widened.

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