100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1862 Brother is the Elf King (58)


So, the drunk elf king is really deceiving.

Yu Chu raised his hand, the emerald green pattern flickered, and the light spread out along the fingertips.

Those vines suddenly seemed to have received an order, and slowly wrapped around the ankle of the young elf king.

Gasser was slightly taken aback.

Although he didn't seem to be drunk at this time, in fact, he couldn't think much.

Therefore, the rattan was entangled, and he was a little strange and puzzled, staring blankly at the green leaves.

"Aegway?" There was a little more pure ignorance in the young man's voice as clear as a stream.

Yu Chu glanced at him.

Since Fragment wanted to do it, she didn't reject it. Only this time, he must be pressed to the end.

"Brother... These canes, will they always listen to me?" She leaned over and asked softly.

Gasher blinked.

His long eyelashes reflected the green and clean pupils below, and he frowned slightly and said honestly, "Yeah."

The girl clapped her hands, "That's good."

On the bed full of fruit trees and flowers, rattan wrapped around the boy's wrists, and in the dazed gaze of the Elf King, he pulled his hands to the top of his head and entangled them together.

Yu Chu was also prepared, so that he would not be pushed down halfway as before.

The pure and dazzling golden long, at this time, is slightly messy scattered around the cheeks, the elf's long ears are white and delicate, and the tips of the ears are dyed with a touch of crimson.

He was a little bewildered.

The girl next to her leaned down, lifted her snow-white blouse with her fingertips, and kissed the boy's lips softly.

Gasser raised his head slightly, although his wrists were bound, but the young man didn't feel anything wrong at this time, he was breathing slightly, and the emerald eyes were filled with mist.

The chestnut elf's fingertips slid down gently along the collar, turning slowly, in exchange for the elf king breathing more lightly, and his fair face even redder.

The boy subconsciously wanted to block her hand, but when he moved his wrist, he suddenly realized that he was bound.

He opened his eyes slightly, and his warm and pure pupils were sparkling, and he seemed a little helpless.

"Igway?" The hoarse voice had some hot meaning. The slender boy wanted to curl up to avoid the heart-pounding touch, but his ankles were also tied, and the vines pulled the boy's slender legs apart.

The elf boy lowered his eyes and even the tips of his fair ears drooped slightly, looking a little pitiful.

He moved his wrist, and asked in a low voice again doubtful and aggrieved: "Aegway... What are you doing?"

"Isn't it what my brother wants to do?" The girl stroked the light chestnut hair on her shoulders and leaned down.

The young man's eyes quickly changed from ignorant and dazed to helpless and flustered, "No..."

The unfamiliar feeling is not clear, it seems to be painful and pleasant, but because it is so unfamiliar, it makes the pure elves feel a little bit resistant.

"No, Igway. Ah... um..."

The hoarse voice gradually disappeared, leaving only the rapid breathing and the uncontrollable low whine. Jin hangs messily on the boy's shoulders, swaying gently.

The tips of the elf's ears were as red as blood.

He tried to struggle several times, but when he was drunk, he was unconscious, and the vines were still tightly bound, and red marks were faintly rubbed on his fair skin.

The mist in the boy's eyes was steaming, his eyes were a little dazed, and the thin lips that were pink like petals opened, only to spit out gasps, and his voice was slightly broken.

The boy asked in a low voice, "...you hurry up?"

Yu Chu: "..."

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