100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1865 Straightening the mixed-race student (1)


[The thirty-sixth plane]

[Ding——Successful transmission——]

Consciousness gradually became clear, Yu Chu was shocked by the deafening music, and subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his temples, feeling a discomfort in his stomach.

Someone next to her asked her, "Xiao Chu, are you drinking too much? Do you want to go back to rest first?"

Yu Chu waved his hand, slowly opened his eyes, and squinted at the surrounding scenery.

It seems to be a dance party, and most of the people attending are wearing casual clothes, which looks very laid-back.

I felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach, as if it was because I drank a little wine, and it was hot at this time.

"Xiao Chu, are you alright?" the girl next to her asked worriedly, "I wouldn't have brought you if I knew earlier."

"It's okay." Yu Chu shook his head and leaned back on the sand, "Just let me lie down for a while."

"Oh, good." The other party responded, "Tell me if you're not feeling well, and I'll help you go back."

Yu Chu hummed.

She closed her eyes to receive the plot.

The original owner's name is Yuan Chu, a freshman who has just been admitted to the university.

At this time, she was in a networking activity held by the school's student union. There were many freshmen and some seniors.

Her roommate and best friend Lin Xiao, the girl next to her, because of her cheerful and lively personality, joined the student council as soon as she entered school and became a cadre.

This time, she brought the original owner to this friendship.

Because the original owner was introverted, Lin Xiao, who was a best friend, also hoped that she would participate in such social activities more.

The original owner tried to drink some wine just now, but because he hadn't drank it, his stomach felt uncomfortable.

Yu Chu rubbed his stomach, opened his eyes, and smiled at Lin Xiao next to him, "I want to go back first."

"Ah?" Lin Xiao turned around immediately, "Then let me help you back, you are all drunk."

"It's alright, I'm not drunk," Yu Chu stood up and took two steps, indicating that he was fine, "You are a student union cadre, and this time it's an activity organized by the student union. You should stay and take care of the place."

What she said really made sense. Lin Xiao looked at her repeatedly for a while to make sure that her friend was not drunk before waving her hand to let her leave alone, "Okay, then you pay attention to safety on the road, and call me when you get back to the dormitory."

"Yeah." Yu Chu nodded, turned around and walked out of the large classroom of the sorority, and returned to the dormitory alone with his bag on his back.

The evening wind blew across his cheeks, dissipating the heat from drinking and drinking, Yu Chu patted his cheek to make himself more conscious, and walked all the way back to the dormitory.

According to the agreement, she called Lin Xiao to report that she was safe, and then packed up and washed.

The roommates were watching a TV series, and from time to time there was a burst of suppressed screams.

"Ah, ah, I really like this little milk dog!"

"That's right, this kind of little milk dog male protagonist is very popular now, and I want this kind of boyfriend too."

"Yes, it must be good."

"But the little milk dogs seem to be cute and handsome, and there are very few people who are particularly handsome."

"No, the kind of boys who are particularly handsome are not milky, but I really want a cute boyfriend!"

"Isn't that sister-in-law love?"

"What happened to the love between siblings! How much love!"

"I think so too..."

They discussed heatedly, Yu Chu shrugged, went to the bathroom to wash himself, then climbed into the bed and pulled up the curtain, and tucked into bed comfortably.

Someone asked: "Xiao Chu, how do you feel about networking today? Are there any handsome single guys in the school?"

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