100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1869 Straightening the mixed-race student (5)


"I made an appointment with your parents to come for tuition today, so come and have a look." Yu Chu replied, "And the door is not closed, so I have to come in to remind you."

The boy on the second floor narrowed his eyes.

Yu Chu walked back to the entrance again, closed the door, and said with a good temper, "Can you study now?"

The young man suddenly smiled slightly.

He is white and tender, and his facial features are delicate and mixed-race. When he smiles, he looks milky, but he has a deep and sexy look. The young man put one hand on the railing and said indifferently: "I told you to get out... Can't understand Chinese? Do you need me to say it again?"

Yu Chu looked at him in surprise.

Why is this kid so irritable...

She was silent for a while, then shook her head and said, "But this is my job. Do you really want to study?"

"I don't want to." The other party was obviously impatient, he raised his delicate eyebrows, and withdrew his fair and beautiful hand from the railing, his deep blue pupils stared at her, and narrowed condescendingly, "I will tell my mother that you don't need to tutor, Can you go now?"

Yu Chu nodded, "Yes."

Her attitude was always calm and gentle, and the teenager frowned at her, "Go out and help close the door."

After he finished speaking, he hugged the pillow and turned back to his room. On the slender back, the cat pattern in the pajamas looked cute and cartoonish, with a strange cuteness.

Yu Chu stood downstairs and thought for a while.

According to observation, this eighteen-year-old child may only be one or two years younger than her, but the things she likes are very cute-kitten patterns, snow-white pillows, and cotton wool slippers. And he has a bad temper.

So do you have to raise the fragments as sons?

Yu Chu sighed and looked down at the mess on the ground. Instead of leaving in a hurry, he brought the cleaning tools and began to clean up the glass pieces on the ground.

She picked up the large pieces of glass, put them in the trash can, and then went to clean up the glass shards.

And the boy never came out again.

After cleaning the ground, Yu Chu sorted the garbage into bags, then thought about it and walked up to the second floor.

She stood in front of the boy's door and knocked.

No one responded.

Yu Chu continued to tap patiently.

After a while, the door was finally opened, revealing a slender and beautiful half-breed inside, but his expression was very impatient. He took off the earphone beside his ear with one hand, and looked at her with deep blue eyes, "What are you doing?"

He frowned, "Why haven't you left yet?"

When she got close to this guy, Yu Chu actually smelled the sweet and soft milky fragrance. She lowered her eyes and glanced at the milk in the other's hand, thinking of the conversation between her roommates and her nympho, she couldn't help but smile slightly.

She raised her head, "Your name is Xunzhou, right?"

Hearing the words, the young man looked at her and leaned lazily against the door with a milk cup in his hand, "No matter what my name is, I don't need a teacher to give me make-up lessons. Please leave my house immediately. Otherwise, I will call the police."

As he spoke, he put the milk glass on the counter by the door, took a package of potato chips from the counter, tore it open, and threw a piece between his thin lips, but the blue eyes kept staring at her with a full Not friendly.

But eating potato chips like this looks really cute. The young man's fair and delicate fingers and pale lips have the feeling of a milk cat.

Yu Chu glanced at his potato chips, then looked down at his watch, "It's noon, haven't you eaten yet?"

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