100 Ways to Get the Male God

1882. Chapter 1882 Straightening the mixed-race student (18)


At that time, it seemed that a muffled sound was vaguely heard, probably the sound of an elbow hitting the table.

He was stunned for a moment, and the other party walked out of the door and politely turned around and closed it.

The young man stood there for a few seconds, the expression on his beautiful and lovely face was slightly silent, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then slowly pursed his pale lips, and put away the practice test paper indifferently.

There was a cool breeze blowing outside the window, he walked over and closed the window slowly and looked at the sky.

Somewhat gloomy.

From downstairs came the voice of the old nanny keeping the make-up teacher for dinner. The other party seemed to politely declined.

Then she left.

Xunzhou stood at the table, picked up the box, opened it and glanced at it.

The photo shows a boy in a high school uniform.

He put the picture back in, closed the lid with fair fingers, and put the box back on the shelf.

There was a roar of thunder outside the window.

Downstairs, the old nanny suddenly patted his head, "Oh...forgot today's weather forecast."

She said to the upstairs: "A-Xun-Mr. Xiao Chu didn't bring an umbrella. Are you chasing after him and bringing an umbrella?"

After two seconds, the door to the upstairs room opened, revealing the pretty fair face of the young man, with a slightly careless expression, and said casually, "What umbrella are you sending me, I'll let her go. I won't be going to class next time."

The old lady was stunned for a moment and raised her brows, "Why are you talking to the teacher, child? It's raining in the weather forecast today, and Mr. Chu didn't bring an umbrella."

The boy on the second floor shrugged, slightly curled black against his white face, showing a trace of invisible indifference, raised his lips and said with no emotion: "It's none of my business."

Saying that, he raised the back of his fair hand, rubbed his eyes, and returned to the room a little sleepy.

The old nanny sighed helplessly.

But Xunzhou has this attitude towards anyone and is indifferent, so it's not surprising.

On the contrary, he was willing to accept Teacher Xiao Chu's supplementary lessons today, which surprised both her and her mother.

The old lady took an umbrella and walked out of the door, chasing it all the way to the gate of the community, but saw no one.

She looked around for a while, then had to go back again.

The weather forecast this time was pretty accurate, and it started to rain in a short while.

Gradually, the heavy rain became a piece.

The old lady walked up to the second floor and knocked on Xunzhou's door, but no one answered.

She reached out and pushed the door open.

The teenager inside is nestled in the snow-white bed, sleeping comfortably. The slightly curly black is placed on the fair forehead, revealing a bit of innocence and cuteness in the mess.

The old lady left the room without disturbing her.

I hope that Mr. Chu has already got into the car and won't get caught in the rain. So much rain...

Yu Chu has indeed taken a taxi.

Outside the car window, in just a few minutes, it was pouring rain, and the visibility in the rain was pitiful.

The girl leaned back on the seat with a peaceful expression on her face.

She was still thinking.

Fragment likes boys, and there are people who like it. She didn't see the boy clearly, but he seemed to be a foreigner...it should be his former classmate.

He cherishes it so much.

If you think so...

There seems to be a reasonable explanation for the tense relationship between Xunzhou and his mother.

Ordinary children, even if they are rebellious, will not have such a tense relationship with their mothers, they are like enemies.

So, is it because the search for mothers does not support same-sex?

And knowing that he likes his classmates, he forced the boy to return to China and cut off the connection there.

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