100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 187 The first female oiran (8)


The middle-aged man responded with a smile: "Lang Jun is unwell today, please forgive me."

When he said this, even if the women had tempers, they couldn't let it go. Someone asked a few words about the situation of Mr. Jingjing. After the middle-aged man answered them with a smile, he stopped angrily.

Yu Chu came out of the private room, glanced at the unwilling expressions of the women below, turned around and walked to the stairs on the third floor.

She is the princess, and the servant did not dare to stop her. After reaching the third floor, the princess asked with a smile:

"You resigned from the mirror, which room do you live in?"

The third floor is where the oiran rests, and several of the rooms inside are the oiran's rooms, and they can receive distinguished guests in their own rooms.

As for Cijing, as the first courtier, Yu Chu already had a goal when he asked this sentence, and walked straight in without waiting for the servant to answer.

The waiter regained his senses and hurriedly stopped her: "No, Your Highness, he has already rested, Lord Cijing..."

Seeing the terrified face of the little waiter, as if she was about to break in and take away the innocence of the oiran, Yu Chu couldn't help but be speechless, thinking how stinky the original owner's reputation really was.

She had no intention of arguing, so she stopped and said with a smile: "You can rest assured, but just say hello, I know the proportions, and I won't make it difficult for you."

The waiter was stunned for a moment.

——In the Nv Zun Kingdom, or in the flower building, where can a woman talk to the flower waiter like this?

Soft-spoken and understanding. The woman's eyes twitched, warm and bright, captivating.

The little waiter's face immediately turned red, and he stammered and couldn't speak, and finally said in a voice like a mosquito:

"Your Highness, Your Highness, seriously..."

"It's really just to say hello." Yu Chu didn't know what he was thinking, and laughed, "Guyou is so unbelievable?"

The last sentence was just a sigh, but the little waiter in front of him suddenly blushed, shook his head desperately, and stammered in a low voice: "No, I dare not, Your Highness is naturally credible..."

He bit his lip and looked at the girl with watery eyes.

In the past, I only heard about the notoriety of the three emperors, which made the men in the world dislike, but why did he think...

This woman is so heartwarming...

Yu Chu didn't know her unintentional good words, so she made others blush. She walked to the innermost room, stopped outside the door, and heard someone say:

"Ci Jing, solitary..."

Then, the boy's slightly cold voice:

"Your Highness, please come back."

This voice is clear and beautiful, with a deep and sexy hoarseness, but it is the clear voice of a young man, just listening to it like this, my heart seems to be half suffocated.

Yu Chu clicked his tongue secretly.

... Feng Qing this little goblin.

The antique wooden door is a vermilion color, and the delicate pattern of the hollow is covered with a layer of paper windows, which naturally does not have the effect of sound insulation. Yu Chu was not in a hurry to go in, he simply stood outside the door and continued to listen to the corner lazily.

The woman's voice sounded after a while:

"You must be so lonely?"

Yu Chu: "..."

This eldest princess... Did she take a fancy to her family Fengqing?

The girl immediately clenched her fist, glared at the door of the room viciously, and finally pressed it down, angrily preparing to hear how Ci Jing would respond.

Of course that person didn't disappoint her, his clear voice was ruthless: "Cijing dare not."

Just say that, and don't say a word.

The meaning of alienation is obvious.

Yu Chu nodded with satisfaction, but in the next second, he heard the voice of the eldest princess gnashing her teeth:

"Ci Jing, if Gu can hold you, it can also destroy you! Don't force Gu, Guzhen will..."

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