100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1888 Straightening the mixed-race student (24)


He went home silently.

I don't know what to do this time.

Yu Chu had a bad week this week. She was so annoyed by someone that she wanted to beat up.

Just after class was about to leave, the senior came over again and said to Yu Chu with a smile, "Would you like to have a meal together? I know a restaurant..."

"No need," Yu Chu refused directly, frowning, "I have to go back to the dormitory to do my homework, I'm sorry, senior, find someone else."

The senior wasn't angry either, just smiled: "Chuchu, it's hard to go to college, don't just stay in the dormitory. How about we go out together on weekends?"

The girl shook her head politely, "I have something to do on the weekend, I'm afraid I won't, senior, find someone else."

As she said that, she pulled up her best friend Lin Xiao next to her, and together they quickly walked into the crowd of people after class.

Lin Xiao came over curiously, "Xiao Chu, I think this senior is okay, why did you refuse to be so straightforward? He looks good and his grades are good."

Yu Chu laughed and turned out the phone to show her, "He added me a few days ago, and he asked me if I could go out to play and want to stay in a hotel outside."

"So fierce?" Lin Xiao was dumbfounded. He took over the phone and looked at the chat records.

Yu Chu smiled helplessly.

Lin Xiao returned the phone, "Speaking of which, Xiao Chu, how is your student?"

Yu Chu said: "It's okay, I plan to visit a few more times... If you don't accept me, then forget it."

Lin Xiao sighed, "Now these high school kids are all very rebellious."

Yu Chu nodded.

"You have a quiet personality, so you can't be really noisy. I think you should try your best to push it. Anyway, it's settled on a weekly basis, and it's nothing to push it." Lin Xiao advised, "This kind of child is generally difficult to teach. "

Yu Chu nodded again.

After a pause, she smiled again, "But he's good-looking, I think he can barely bear it."

Lin Xiao: "..."

In the blink of an eye, the next weekend, Yu Chu packed up and took a taxi to the student's house.

After walking up the steps, she hesitated slightly.

The last time the two had a very unpleasant fight.

She accidentally bumped into the photo of his sweetheart, and he was also very angry and told her to get out.

This word is very sad.

Her elbow hit the edge of the desk, and the bruise has not healed until now, so she deliberately wore a long sleeve today to cover the traces of her elbow.

I don't know how the meeting will be today.

Yu Chu was a little worried.

But she thought about it carefully, it should be fine.

After all, he still called last time. If you don't want to make up classes, shouldn't you call?

She finally rang the doorbell.

After pressing it twice, the door opened from the inside, revealing a beautiful and lovely face.

Xunzhou blinked.

The young man pursed his lips and couldn't see any emotion, but there was no malice in those deep eyes, and they were even very peaceful, and Yu Chu was relieved slightly.

"This weekend." She nodded and smiled.

"Hmm." The boy didn't speak, he just hummed casually before backing away, "Come in."

Yu Chu followed him into the villa.

The house is empty.

The boy walked straight to the second floor, and Yu Chu followed him up the stairs, thinking that he should say something.

The last incident had made her analyze something.

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