100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1897 Straightening the mixed-race student (33)


"You heard right, Senior Zhou, do you know where there are gay bars?" she asked again.

This kind of bar is generally more secretive and not easy to find, so she decided to ask each other.

If Zhou Qing can usually play well, then he should have heard of this kind of place, and it will be more reliable.

Zhou Qing looked at her with strange eyes for a long time, then smiled, "This... I know a few gay bars, but I don't know about lesbian..."

"It's okay, it's gay." Yu Chu nodded, "Can you write me an address, senior?"

According to the address, Yu Chu came to a small street.

She said she wanted to help Xunzhou.

At present, it seems that the child's orientation is actually very vague. He also hates being touched by boys.

But he had a crush on a guy...

Yu Chu started to have a headache again. She rubbed her temples lightly, looked up at the bar's light sign, and decided to try to bring him here next time.

If he can't accept other boys, it means he may not be the same. Next, she went to find the boy who made the fragments tempted...

A strange thought flashed through Yu Chu's mind.

That person can't be Lu Jing.

Lu actually felt that she would not change her mind, so she simply went to attack the Lord God Fragment?

But this is also very strange!

So many girls' strategy fragments have never been successful. It makes no sense that a guy can succeed, right?

Really a pain in the head.

Who is the person who is liked by the fragments?

Yu Chu felt that the relationship between the two of them had improved by leaps and bounds this time. Maybe next time, he could try to ask about the topic of "that person".

She has a good plan.

However, when it was the day of the make-up class again, something unexpected happened.

She came to the door of the villa and unexpectedly found that the door was open. She was stunned, and before she entered the door, she heard the hysterical and angry voice of the mother-hunting mother: "You like him so much? You like him so much that you don't even care about your own biological parents? Do you still want this home?"

Yu Chu frowned, walked in quickly, and saw two people beside the sand.

Xunmu's eyes were red with anger, but the young man was very quiet, standing on the side quietly.

There was no expression on his face.

It is not clear whether it is indifference or emptiness. The blue eyes of the young man are as beautiful as the deep sea, and the deep outline also reveals the coldness of the abyss.

Mother Xun smashed the box in her hand heavily.

"Why on earth do you like him? Bring a photo with you when you go back to China?! What are you doing, thinking about him?!"

With a crisp sound, the box smashed to pieces on the ground, and a photo fell out of it.

It slid straight to Yu Chu's feet.

The girl was silent, then leaned over slightly and picked up the photo.

Xunzhou was originally expressionless, no matter how he was criticized and criticized, the handsome and lovely face of the young man was always as smooth as ice.

But when his eyes came into contact with the girl's figure, and when he saw that she picked up the photo, the boy's blue pupils suddenly flashed in panic, and he strode over.

Yu Chu only glanced at the face of the man in the photo, and the photo was taken away with great force.

I was caught off guard, and even tore the corners.

She immediately released her hand and wanted to apologize, but raised her head to meet the boy's eyes, but he didn't seem angry, just moved her pale lips, which seemed to be lighter in color.

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