100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1905 Straightening the Mixed-race Students (41)


He was as cold as an ice sculpture. It's no wonder...it's not comfortable in itself, and after being exposed to the rain again, it's no wonder that the body is not cold after being frozen for so long.

She didn't have to use her brain to know that he must have heard something, so he was pitifully abandoned.

For so long, she may be the only one who treats him well and understands him.

After hugging him, the young man immediately raised his hand and struggled, Yu Chu whispered, "I know you heard."

The opponent's movements stopped immediately.

Yu Chu hugged him on tiptoe again, the two stood together in the heavy rain, the girl's voice was still helpless: "That person is not my friend, and I didn't tell him about you, I didn't take you as a fun thing..."

The boy's icy hand didn't push back, Yu Chu relaxed a little, and continued: "It's because I asked him about the same-sex bar last time, so he guessed it. I'm not familiar with him, and his attitude is disgusting. ."

The power of push and refusal is completely gone.

Yu Chu completely relaxed, stepped back and let go of him, looked helplessly for two seconds, leaned over and picked up the umbrella, propping it on top of the two of them, "You still say you're an adult? Just hear a word and misunderstand people, what are you playing? Dialogue in the rain, are you a child playing a bitter drama?"

The boy's originally pale face turned slightly red after being satirized like this, pursed his lips and stared at her fiercely, but did not push her away.

After being angry for a few seconds, he bowed his head again, his icy fingers slipped into her fingers skillfully, and he lowered his eyelashes and apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Yu Chu glanced at him unexpectedly.

It's so easy to apologize.

In fact, she understood that the child was very fragile at heart, otherwise he would be sad if he didn't listen to a word.

She originally thought that she had to explain a long list and prove that she and Zhou Qing were really unfamiliar...

But he didn't expect that he just said a few words, not even an explanation, but he didn't get angry about this matter, and instead apologized obediently.

Why so cute.

Yu Chu sighed and said softly: "I'm soaking wet, my house is nearby, go back quickly."

She led the boy out of the alley, the other side lowered his head and said nothing, just followed her quietly.

After returning home, both the master bedroom and the guest bedroom had bathrooms. Yu Chu asked him to take a hot bath, and because there were no pajamas suitable for teenagers, he brought him a shirt.

When I bought it, it was too big to wear. It was suitable for a tall and slender teenager.

The only problem is that it's a little too tempting to wear it this way. Yu Chu came out holding the quilt and saw the other party standing aside to wipe his head, the white shirt lining the youth's clear skin, white and soft.

She touched her nose, handed over the quilt, and whispered, "Go to sleep, I'm back in the dormitory."

Xunzhou paused for a moment and raised his eyes to look at her.

Just after taking a bath, the young man finally regained his previous complexion, with a blush on his pretty cheeks, and the white and tender skin looked even whiter and very clear after taking a shower.

He pursed his lips and said, "You have to go back so late? There is no access control in the university dormitory."

Yu Chu blinked, "I'm here worried about affecting your rest... Can you accept living with a girl?"

Xunzhou was startled, then pursed his lips, showing a bit of a funny mood. He turned his face and said silently, "According to what you said, I can't live with people."

Yu Chu couldn't help but laugh.

In retrospect, it seems that the Lord God does not live with anyone.

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